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On Monday, I'm unsure about how to present the conversation Emlyn and I had over the weekend to Luke. He's in an exceptional mood today, and there have been several mentions of his last two weeks in the program. It excites and scares me. Once we gain our freedom, where will this relationship go? How will we fare? This is newfound territory for me. Likewise, what will happen if our relationship gets to where we go public? The assumptions that will hit social media... They'll be ruthless.

As Luke goes through his morning stretches, I gnaw on my bottom lip and continue to reread the information scribbled onto my clipboard. He's discussing this past weekend with his parents. They went for an easy hike, and he says his knee felt good. I nod and hum in agreement, pretending to take an interest in his words. It makes me feel guilty. As his physical therapist, I should focus my attention on him. However, it's apparent I'm not just his physical therapist. Not when his heated gaze makes my knees feel like Jell-O. Or when I remember his glorious nakedness.

More words tumble from his mouth, and I continue to nod and hum.

Luke's laugh brings me back to reality.

I shoot him a quizzical expression. "What?"

He props his chin on his fist. He's leaning over the workout bench, on his knees and wearing a muscle shirt. The man's biceps are bulging and veiny, and there's heat pooling between my legs. I don't get laid enough to stare at Luke Madden without reacting. And that's because I only want to get laid by him.

"Rosa," he chuckles. "You just agreed I should be running marathons. That it'll help my knee more than your silly sessions."

My lips part. "That's uncalled for. Perhaps I should make you do more bicep curls."

Luke side-eyes his biceps, and I realize it was an empty threat. Something tells me he could do bicep curls without breaking a sweat. "Great threat, Rosa. Now tell me what's on your mind." He glances around the gym. Aside from Adrian and his client, we're the only ones here. Luke lowers his voice. "I can be your counsellor, too. Though I'm much more well-versed in touch."

Heat flushes the back of my neck. I tuck my clipboard under my arm. "Nothing's bothering me."

Luke knows I'm bullshitting him. "Something's bothering you, Rosa. What's going on? You can talk to me."

Words form on my lips, but my voice box refuses to function. My body's glitches are because of the sincerity in his voice. Plus, his words make me realize how far in I am. How hard I'm falling for Luke Madden, despite knowing having a romantic relationship could end my contract. All I want to do is throw my caution to the wind and let him take over so I can learn what he's well-versed in.

Sighing, I sit down on the bench. Luke peers up at me, his face expressing nothing but interest and concern. I set the clipboard on my lap, tapping my pen against my knee. Bringing up a personal topic during our session doesn't feel right. However, I rationalize it with the fact that it involves Luke. He deserves to know what I saw. Honesty is the best form of communication.

I clear my throat.

"This weekend, I saw Olivia and Mason at a bar. They were..." I take a deep breath. My voice is low. "Luke, I'm not saying this because I want to create bad blood. Nor was I interfering with your relationship. But as a friend—maybe something more—and someone who's working to improve your health, I need to be upfront with you. Mason and Olivia were... participating in an intimate act in the bar. Based on my observations, it seemed like a regular occurrence. They were very comfortable with each other."

The words tumble out of my mouth, and at the end of the sentence, I press my lips together, waiting for the backlash.

Luke rubs the back of his neck and stares over my shoulder. Then he stands and takes my arm, guiding me to the locker rooms. Just before the entrance, he veers to the left and pushes through the janitor's closet door. The door clicks behind me, and I feel compressed. Save for the minimal light streaming through the tiny window, the area is dim and crowded, and it smells of chemicals and old socks. There's also limited space. Luke's hard body is pressed against mine. I can feel the heat radiating off of him. There's also a subtle hint of his cologne. It dizzies my head.

"Did it look natural?" he breathes.

My eyebrows furrow. "What do you... Oh." I wish I was capable of sugar-coating the truth just to diminish the effects of heartbreak, but I'm not. "Yes. Mason was, um, his hand was underneath her skirt and she was..." I trail off, my eyes welling with tears. "I'm sorry, Luke."

He shakes his head. Then curses. "Fuck." He turns around, fingers locked together and resting at the nape of his neck. His shoulders are arched. When he turns to me, his lips are pressed together. "I asked if it looked natural because I think my sister may have been correct. About Liv and Mason hooking up behind my back. When Mason visited... I saw a text message from Liv. She asked if they were still meeting up. They must've gone to the bar you saw them at. Did they see you?"

I shake my head, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. The subtle change causes my shoulder to knock against an empty bottle of cleaning product. Luke catches it before it falls. "I don't think so. It was pretty crowded. I was there with Emyln. Also, our sisters have been collaborating on proving Olivia and Mason are guilty of infidelity."

To my surprise, Luke laughs. He rubs his face. "Of course they are. Why didn't we run when we had the chance?"

I smile. "Because we're fools. All joking aside, though, are you okay? I know that's a lot to take in. If you want to reschedule our session and continue tomorrow, we can do that."

Luke's lips twist to the side. He rests a hand on a shelving unit above my head. We're so close I have to control my breathing. "What hurts is not knowing how long it was going on. I feel like a fool for not noticing the signs. When I look back, there are lots of red flags." He lifts one shoulder. "At least she ended it?"

"With a lie," I mutter.

He sighs and dips his head low, shaking it. Strands of hair fall into his face. "Yeah, I suppose that doesn't make it any better. Mason..." Luke's voice catches on his name. "Surprises me. He always swore he'd never be like his father. Yet he's repeated the cycle."

Feeling bold, I rest a hand on Luke's chest. "I'm sorry, Luke. You don't deserve this."

Luke stares at my hand. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows. "No, and I'll figure out a way to have a discussion with them." He rests his hand atop mine, threading our fingers together. "But Rosa?"

"Yeah?" I breathe.

His blue-green eyes sparkle, even in the dim lighting. "Even with the betrayal, I don't regret the breakup. Without it, I wouldn't be able to do this." He squeezes my hand and steps closer. A breath lodges itself in my throat. Everything about him is intense. From his gaze to his posture to the emotions filling this crowded space. "Or ask if I could kiss you."

My head spins. "Right now?"

Luke licks his bottom lip. "Preferably, but I understand the complications and will step away if you decline."

His hand burns mine as he holds it, making my body crave more. Using my free hand, I tap my cheek. "Right here for now. We have two weeks, Luke. We can manage until then. It'll make it worth it, I promise."

There's no disappointment visible on his face. Instead, he takes the opportunity. The kiss he plants on my cheek is softer than a whisper, but it makes my body scream. I can feel the magnetic pull between us. The punch of longing in my gut. His hot breath on my cheek, his cologne, and the dim lighting. That we're taking the same risk. It's enough to drive a woman mad.

His lips linger for a fraction of a second. There's a prominent line between his brows, as if he's fighting the desire. Then, without warning, he pulls away and exits the closet. There's the briefest moment of blinding light before I'm shrouded in semi-darkness again.

Shrouded and left with a heart that's ready to explode. 

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