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Prior to arriving at Luke's house, I stop at the grocery store and buy a couple of items. The first one is French bread and spinach dip—a classic. The second is a bottle of wine.

Luke told me not to bring anything, but I can't arrive empty-handed. Besides, everyone loves spinach dip and bread. As for the wine... I don't know what Luke drinks. Wine's not my favourite, but it's a typical gift for people letting you into their house. If they don't drink it, they can re-gift or cook with it.

As I pull into the driveway, my nerves eat away at me. Ever since we kissed, my emotions have been battling it out, my heart the stomping grounds. Guilt is affecting me the worst. As a physical therapist, I'm supposed to follow a code of ethics. I've broken that, and so many other rules. My job is at risk. My reputation.

The other prominent emotion is panic. I don't like the feelings that bubble to the surface when I'm around Luke. One-night stands are my style—not committed relationships. Being with Luke continues to create invisible strings that are pulling us closer and closer together. I like the smell of is cologne. The softness of his skin. His lopsided smile. How fucking humble he is.

I close my eyes and bump my forehead against the steering wheel. Luke's also a phenomenal kisser, with a tongue that does things to my heart.

Everything about him is making me panic. My parents were once in love and look how that turned out. Most relationships are doomed from the beginning. I don't want to feel the same heartbreak Dad did.

Killing the engine, I gather my belongings and exit the vehicle. My steps waver as my heels click against the cement. I'm here to tell Luke this can't happen. There's too much at risk for both of us.

I'm worried my heart is too vulnerable.

With hesitance, I knock on the door and wait for Luke to answer. While I wait, I chew on my bottom lip, staring at their yard. It's fairly private, with tall trees lining the driveway. The limbs of the trees hold fresh green leaves, and it brings a smile to my face. Spring is my favourite season. It's like a sigh of relief when the green returns.

Behind me, the door opens. I spin around, coming face-to-face with Luke. His blue-green eyes are wide, making my knees weak. A breath catches in my throat. "Hey."

"Hey," he smiles, stepping aside. "Come in."

I offer him the paper bag. "I brought this."

He peeks into the bag, noting the bottle of wine. His lips quirk. "I told you not to bring anything."

I lift one shoulder. "Yeah, well, you don't show up without bringing something."

"Fair enough," he laughs. His smile morphs into a frown as he rummages deeper into the bag. "Spinach dip? Really? How cliché."

The urge to punch him is strong. But he's been injured enough. I level him with a deadly glare. "I love spinach dip."

He nudges me. "I'm joking. Spinach dip is the best. Come on, let's go to the kitchen."

The One You Fight For (The One, #2)Where stories live. Discover now