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I see it on social media before Luke tells me.

He and Olivia have broken up.

And over the next two weeks, I muddle through working with Luke, wondering why he has said nothing yet. Whenever that thought crosses my mind, I have to remind myself where I stand. I'm his physical therapist. Not his friend. There's no reason for him to confide in me. Especially after I hurt his feelings by making the right choice. Declining lunch is still eating me up. Although I did nothing wrong, my empathy is getting the best of me. I could've expressed myself in a more polite respect.

That's why I'm bringing my favourite book to work today. Luke loves to read, so hopefully he'll accept this as a peace offering. Maybe it will cheer him up, too. Ever since the breakup, he's been disconnected. As his physical therapist, there's not much I can do without crossing a line that can't be crossed.

My steps are light as I walk down the hallway. For the first time, I'm nervous about entering the room and seeing Luke. It's Friday and sunny, and I should be excited about the weekend. Emmy and I are doing some more wedding planning over drinks and dinner. Dad's also coming to visit, which will be nice. I already have his room set up at the apartment. Although there are some good family moments ahead, all I can think about is interacting with Luke.

When I come to the door, I pause and take a deep breath. Instead of the clipboard, I'm clutching the book. It's An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. Luke's interested in fantasy novels, so he should enjoy this one.

I raise my fist and knock, waiting for an answer. Because of schedule complications, Adrian worked with Luke today. He used my detailed plan to keep Luke on schedule regarding the program. When Adrian reported back to me, I was pleased with Luke's progress. Everything, from his mobility to his balance, has improved drastically. I wouldn't be surprised if the doctor clears him from using the knee brace early. It makes me feel good about the contributions I've made to healing him.

Seconds later, Luke opens the door. His eyebrows raise when he sees me. "Rosa. I wasn't expecting to see you today."

Today, he's dressed in jeans and a simple black T-shirt that hugs his body. His onyx-coloured hair is damp and his cheeks are flushed. The smell radiating off of him reminds me of rain and pine. Over his shoulder, I can see his duffle bag on the bed. He's heading home almost every weekend now, spending time with his parents and Kate. It's helped him counteract the lack of social interaction here.

I hold the book out. "I come bearing gifts. You mentioned being unable to find a good book. So I brought you one."

He smiles and takes the book. "Thanks, Rosa. You know I can't reject a good book. And I trust your judgement."

"Good," I reply, leaning against the doorway. If I don't step through, then there's still an invisible border between us. "Are you excited to be heading home this weekend?"

The One You Fight For (The One, #2)Where stories live. Discover now