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"Why does Emyln have a scar on the bridge of her nose?"

We've agreed to hold off on being romantically involved with each other until Luke's no longer my patient. That decision, however, has not prevented us from chatting.

I mentally count the reps he's doing while I reply. "Hainsey and Emyln played hockey together when they were kids. Rain, snow, or sunshine, they'd put in extra practice either through road hockey or skating on the lake. They were competitive, always driving each other to play better. I wasn't there when it happened, but one time, during the summer, Hainsey took a shot and Emlyn blocked it. They weren't wearing caged helmets. You can fill in the rest."

Luke loosens a low whistle. "Ouch. There's nothing worse than a puck to the face."

"It was a bloody mess," I say.

He snorts. "Nice one."

After Luke is done his ankle pumps, I gesture for him to sit on the bench. We're winding down from our daily, low-calibre workout session, and it's time for him to stretch.

"Seriously," I continue. "Hainsey's shot is deadly. Emlyn needed several stitches. The bruising lasted for weeks, too."

He eases himself to the bench, using my arm as support. Once he's sitting, he rests his forearms on his thighs and leans forward. His back cracks and he loosens a low groan.

I draw my bottom lip between my teeth, casting my gaze to the clipboard. Our conversation from the previous week rings in my head. I know I'm making the right decision by limiting the budding romantic factors of our relationship until after Luke has completed the program. Damn it, though. It's difficult to stay sane around Luke Madden.

"I would love to see the slap-shot," Luke comments. His voice is tentative, as if he's testing the waters.

When I look at him, he's eyeing me with a hopeful look. I glance around, then lower my voice. "You want to meet Hainsey?"

Luke's lips twist to the side as he fights a smile. "I want to meet everyone in your life."

I snort, then cover my face with the clipboard. There are different types of snorts. The indifferent type. Then the accidental ones that are obnoxious and embarrassing. "Sorry. You weren't meant to hear that."

Luke smiles. "That was adorable, Rosa."

My cheeks burn. "Shut up."

He nudges my shoe with his foot. "What do you think? If I'm pushing boundaries, just let me know." He lifts one shoulder. "I just thought... You met my family."

The more I think about Luke eating dinner with me, Hainsey, and Emmy, the more appealing the idea becomes. He won't be meeting Mom any time soon—it's been years since I last talked to her. Dad would fanboy over Luke and probably talk his ear off. The thought brings a smile to my lips. "Yeah. I'd like that. I'll talk to Hainsey and Emyln. See what they think. I should warn you, though, Hainsey is the culprit behind the jersey and cookies fiasco. He adores Vancouver's team, but he loves you."

Luke shrugs, continuing with his stretches. The bench squeaks beneath his weight. "It happens all the time. I did the same when I met some of my teammates. We need a moment to lose it, then we collect ourselves and act like a human being." He pauses and frowns. "I'll give him shit, though. He's cheering for the wrong team."

A smile tugs at my lips. He's right about meeting famous people. There's a moment where you're starstruck, trying to grasp what's happening. Then you fall back into a somewhat normal aesthetic. Without a doubt, Hainsey will adapt to Luke's presence. What I do doubt is Luke's ability to convert Hainsey. He's been a strong Vancouver fan since we were kids.

"Good luck converting him," I say.

Luke's stunning eyes glimmer with mischief. "Nothing compels me like a challenge, Rosa."

Suddenly, my body feels hot. I have the need for friction between my legs and a lingering throb pulsing in my chest. My heart is aching for his touch. To taste his mouth.

I clear my throat. "I'll talk to them. See if their schedule is clear. They've been busy with their business." I fix him with a harsh glare. "We're not setting plans in motion yet, remember?"

Luke's interest piques. "Business? And yes, I know." His mouth quirks to the side. "But there's nothing wrong with planning."

"Yeah," I nod, ignoring his comment about planning. "Emmy is an interior designer and Hainsey runs a landscaping company. A couple of years ago, they decided to combine their careers. They have a whole log of cliental already. It's amazing."

He smiles. "That sounds so cool. I never would've thought to combine the two."

My eyes trace the outline of his smile. I'd kill to have him smile against my mouth again.

He stares back, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. "Rosa." His voice is hoarse. "Stop. You're killing me."

"Join the club," I mutter, turning back to my clipboard. "Are you ready to switch to the mats? We're almost done."

Luke runs a hand through his onyx locks. He sighs. "There's so much we could do on the mat."

His voice is rough and low enough only I can hear it. The words that spill from his lips cause a trail of fire to creep up my neck and into my cheeks. I feel flustered, despite the wall I continue to hold up.

Without adding more commentary, Luke eases himself down to the mats and continues with his stretches. Once I've regained my composure, I ask, "How does the knee feel? And you better be honest with me."

"Tight," Luke admits. "But it doesn't hurt."

Our gazes stay locked. Mine is questioning. His is raw and honest. At least, I want to believe it is. There is still skepticism weighing heavily on my chest.

"Don't make me regret believing you," I say.

Luke leans forward and traces the scar with his pointer finger. "It's tight here." He taps the spot slightly to his left. "Whenever I extend it, some of the tightness eases. I think it's when my knee is bent is when it feels the tightest."

I paraphrase his words with the scribble of my pen. "Okay. We'll keep an eye on that."

"Okay," he nods.

His gaze burns into mine, making me shift my weight between my feet. As much as I want to, I can't succumb to his natural charm.

But damn Luke Madden and his natural charm.

The One You Fight For (The One, #2)Where stories live. Discover now