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After Mason and Olivia leave, it doesn't take long for the exhaustion to kick in. I swear I fall asleep before my head hits the pillow, falling into the deepest of sleeps.

Until I wake up with a sharp pain in my knee. I try to will the pain away and force myself to fall asleep again, but it's no use. I have to resort to pressing a button on the panel. When the worker on duty enters my room, I explain the situation and they administer a healthy dose of painkillers. They also scribble something down on their clipboard, which looks similar to the one Rosa carries. I can tell because of the stickers on the backside, which I've never been able to decipher. Hopefully, before my time in this program is up, otherwise, my curiosity will haunt me forever.

As soon as the meds kick in, I feel a little loopy. Like my brain is filled with molasses. But they don't knock me out. Instead, I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, trying to will myself to sleep. One hour passes, then another, and by the time four o'clock hits, I'm still wide awake. Which is why I reach over to the nightstand and grab a book from the stack Olivia and Mason brought me.

Before visiting, they picked up some of my favourites from Kate: The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Pride and Prejudice, The Undomestic Goddess, and The Hunger Games. My Lord of the Rings books are pretty worn out, but that doesn't bother me. All it does is add character. I've read these books and watched the movies millions of times.

With a subtle smile, I turn the book over in my hands, outlining the letters engraved into the spine. Ever since I can remember, I've been an avid reader. Between periods, while the team is travelling, during the summer—no matter what, I always have a book with me.

Sooner than later, I'm a quarter of the way through The Fellowship of the Ring. I'm so invested in the novel I don't hear Rosa enter the room. Nor do I know how long she's been here.

"You're invested."

I jump, losing grip on the book. It, along with my bookmark, tumbles to the ground with a subtle thump. "Jesus fuck," I say, pressing a hand to my chest. "You can't do that to me! And why are you here so early?"

Her expression is skeptical. She gestures to the clock before leaning down to collect my novel and bookmark. "It's seven o'clock, Luke."

My gaze follows the hands of the clock. A heavy dose of confusion muddles my perception for a moment. "It was..." I run a hand through my hair, expelling a deep breath. "Never mind. Last time I looked, it was only four."

Rosa frowns. "Tough night?"

She holds out the book, and I take it, flipping to my spot. As I do that, I shrug and say, "There was a sharp pain in my knee. The pain meds helped, but they didn't put me to sleep." Raising the book, I give it a small shake. "At least I had this to pass the time. No more pain, though."

Drawing her bottom lip between her teeth, Rosa jots down a few things on her clipboard. I take that moment to look her over. Today, she's wearing navy-blue leggings and a white long-sleeve wicking shirt. Her hair is down, falling in slightly curled waves past her shoulders. Either her perfume or shampoo permeates the air, reminding me of something smoky and sweet. Maybe it's oddly specific, but my mind immediately goes to smoked peaches laced with a healthy dose of Fireball whisky. Those are a staple at my family's annual BBQ.

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