Chapter 36 - the part is wholly ending

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Black Hole P.O.V:

I slowly open my eyes, glancing around wearily. 

"You didn't sleep very long," a voice says. I weakly turn my head in the direction of the noise, "W-wha?-"

The voice laughs, I feel someone pat my hair. Leaning into the touch, I sigh, "You okay bub?" Oh, it's just Tree. Thought I got kidnapped again for a second.

"Y-yeah...just tired still..." I yawn, cuddling closer to them. They laugh again, stroking my hair softly. "Clearly you didn't sleep all to long as well..." I mumble, they nod.

"Yeah...hey what time is it?" They ask, looking around for the clock. "5:38" I say, they look at me. "How'd you know?" They ask, pulling out their phone to check.

"In space you kind of just know when things happen. Time is different up there, but somewhat similar. I think it's just intuition..." I explain groggily. Giving a gentle nod, they pat my head some more.

"Why are you always so tired?" They chuckle, adjusting their position so I was leaning on them even more. "I dunno..." I mumble, yawning a bit more. They smile, kissing my cheek.

"You're so cute..." They whisper, kissing my neck. I blush, "T-tree..."

They snicker, kissing me again. I squeak, "Okay, th-that's enough. Thank you-" I say, turning away to hide my flustered face.

"Are you awake now?" They tease, I sigh. "Yes...I'm awake now..."

"You sure? Need me to do it again?~" They chuckle, I turn my head towards them. "No thank you!...uh...I'm okay, I'm awake..." Hiding my face in my hands.

"You suuree?" They ask, wrapping an arm around my waist. I nod, "Yes! I-I'm awake..."

They laugh some more, making my face warmer by the second. "You're so fun to tease!" They laugh, kissing my cheek. "I love you my star light..."

"I love you too..." I whisper in return, sighing. They smirk, letting me hide in their embrace. "Where's Jr.?" I ask, feeling them brush some hair from my face.

"In his room, not sure what they're doing though," Tree responds, petting my head some more. I let out a gentle yawn, shutting my eyes slightly.

"And you said you were awake," Tree mutters, laughing a bit. I roll my eyes, "It was a long day of meeting people, sue me."

"That was yesterday, babe." Tree sighs, lifting me up to lean on their shoulder. I shrug, "Still."

"You are so helpless for a god..." They chuckle, I nod. "Probably. I'd rather sit here with you anyways."

They smile, combing through my hair with their nails. "Thanks...for that." They say softly. I nod, "Of course, anything for you."

"Anything?" They ask, I look up at them. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"No reason," They say, kissing my cheek again. I feel my face heat up, smiling shyly. "Okay...what should...we doing now?"

"I dunno," They shrug, helping me stand up. "We could do whatever you want?" I suggest, they smile. "...I don't really want to do anything in particular right now..." They say, rubbing the back of their head.

"I can read you a book? It would be good practice." They suggest, I nod. "Sure, what book?"

We both walk into the living room, Tree looking up and down their many book shelves. "Do you like horror?" They ask, I tilt my head. "What's that?"

They slap their hand on their forehead. "Honey! Don't hurt yourself," I say, grabbing their arm. They laugh, "It's fine, horror is like scary stuff. Like...murderers? I guess." They say, shrugging slowly.

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