✨Chapter 19 - she knows you heard her, staging music murder

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Tree P.O.V:


This is bad, I....

What do I do?

They lay on the bed, motionless still. Bandages loosely wrapped around their arms, legs, and torso. I pace around the room, not knowing what to do.

What do I tell Jr.?


At least they're alive.

I turn to look at him, his chest rising and falling. They're alive...barely. I sigh, shaking my head. Sitting at the foot of the bed, I wait. I don't know what for...maybe for them to wake up? For them to be okay?

Why didn't they say anything?

They'd been acting like this recently. Ever since we'd adopted Jr...sure, he'd been happier. But they'd also grown more distant. Not wanting to talk, or...eat with us.

They would ask us about how we were...he'd play with Cherry Jr....

What happened?

I wipe my eyes, shaking my head again. Why Black Hole?

Why would you do this to yourself?

I get up, shutting the door to the bedroom behind me. Sighing, I walk back over to the living room. Cherry Jr. waits for me there, he looks scared. Terrified even, I don't blame them. After what's happening and all...

"I-is...everything okay?" They ask as I sit on the couch. I shake my head, hiding my face in my hands.

"Wh-what happened?"

I sit in silence...how do I tell them? How do I explain that their care giver wanted to kill himself and almost succeeded?

"...Cherry Jr....I don't know how to tell you this," I sigh, looking up at them. I think they can tell I'd been crying.

"...Black Hole, hasn't been doing the greatest...." I begin, giving them a reassuring look. "Uh-...they, um....they weren't-....they weren't very happy. I suppose."

"Why? Was it my fault?" They ask, worry plastered on their face. I shake my head, "No! Of course not...he....he just wasn't feeling happy." I tell them, giving him a hug.

"Wh-...what do you mean...?"

I pause, shutting my eyes. I can't bring myself to say it. It was to much for me to handle, no way would Jr. be able to take it...

Please let this all be a bad dream...

"...did he try and hurt himself?"

I look at the kid, tears welling up in their eyes. I pause, how did he know? Did they hear us? I told them to stay in their room, why didn't he listen?

"...yes...he did," I say, feeling tears spill over. They pat my back, trying to calm me down. I doesn't work, I feel the tears become more rapid.

My chest heaves as I sob, I've never felt this way before. I've never been this upset, not even when I found out my dad didn't love me. Why was I more upset over this? I don't know.

My breath quickens, shaking my head. I wrap my arms around Jr. they seem surprised at first, but they do return the favor. Sniffling a bit as well.

"I-I'm...so...so, sorry...Cherry Jr...." I weep, squeezing him tightly. They nod, I hear them cry as well.

I don't understand, why didn't he say anything? Why did they not tell me how they were feeling?

Why do they always put others before themselves? Why are they always getting themselves hurt?

"It's okay...." They sniff, crying as well. I shake, hugging them close.

I pull away from their hug, patting their back. "I-...I'm sorry...I didn't mean, to make you uncomfortable." I sigh, my tears slowing down.

"It's okay, I wasn't uncomfortable..." They say, wiping their eyes. "I-...I'm just as sad..."

"I know...I know..." I mumble, shaking my head. "I miss them, I hope they wake up soon..." Cherry Jr. mumbles, leaning against my shoulder.

"I hope they do as well..." I agree, they're going to be okay...I won't let anything happen to them. They were breathing when I checked up on them. They're strong, I remind myself, they didn't seem to want to die after I found them.

Granted, they did go through all of that effort to attempt...

I pray that they would be okay, I can't loose another loved one...I just can't. I can't do this again.

"H-how did you even know to check on him?" CJ asks, I turn over to look at them. I smile a bit, "I...have a pretty good sense of hearing..." I chuckle.

They nod, "Yeah...you do..."

I stare blankly into space, not knowing what to do with myself. I have no clue what I'm going to do. What do I do with the kid? I don't think we'll ever forget about this...

"What do we do...if they...die...?"

I jerk my head towards him. Surprised, then again...it's still very possible. I sigh, placing my hand on their shoulder. "He'll make it, I promise..." I say, rubbing their shoulder. They turn to stare at me.

"But what if he doesn't?"

"...then I don't know what we'll do..." I admit, staring at the floor. Silence engulfs us, the quiet unnerving.

"But hey....we'll have each other..." I say, smiling at them. They look at me closely.




Word Count: 791


I finished Ninjago Dragons Rising and now I feel empty inside.


(Also, if you want. For every mistake you can find in my writing I'll do something stupid idk.)

Merry krismus to all who celebrate

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Merry krismus to all who celebrate.

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