Chapter 47 - blinding, shinning star

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*2-3 months since Act 1 :D*

Tree P.O.V:

My eyes flutter open in the light. Sighing, I turn over in bed, holding Black Hole closer. "You up?" I whisper, leaning my head on his chest.

"Yeah, you okay?" They ask, petting my hair gently. I sigh again, nodding into their hand. "Yeah, we should get up now..." I mutter, sitting up and stretching. They sit up as well, wrapping their arms around my chest. I chuckle, letting them rest their head on my shoulder.

"Meh." Black Hole mutters, sighing themself. "C'mon, it's Jr.'s first day of school, if they're late they'll kill us."

"What happened to preventing death?" He laughs softly, kissing my cheek. I shrug, "No clue, lets go."

I climb out of bed, yawning still. The cold air contrasted with the warmth of the bed, which sucked because now I'm cold...

"Lets go," They say, throwing on a hoodie and grabbing my hand. I follow, walking downstairs with them. We both make small conversation as I prepare some coffee. Black Hole lays their head on the table like he usually does, still making an effort to speak.

"Here," I offer, handing him a cup. They smile, taking it and carefully sipping on it. "Thanks love..."

I sit next to him, leaning on his shoulder. "What time is it?" I ask, drinking my own coffee slowly. "7:23." Black Hole says, I nod again. "I should wake up Jr...he's going to be late."

"I'll do it," They say, getting up. "No it's okay, can you just help get his lunch ready?" I ask as they walk to Jr.'s room. He scoffs, "You're one of the only ones who knows how to cook in this house, so I think I'm better off just waking someone up."

"Oh yeah...remember when I let you cook one time?" I chuckle, getting up myself to make Jr. their lunch. They laugh as well, "Do not remind me of that."

"Yeah sure, love you." I say, grabbing something from a cupboard. "I love you too." I hear them call, strolling into Jr.'s room.

Black Hole P.O.V:

"Jr. get up, you're going to be late to school." I chuckle, flicking the lights on and off. They groan, sitting up in bed. "Do I have to?"

"Yes, now come on. It's your first day and I don't want you to be late." I say, walking over and picking them up. Setting them on the ground, they nod. "Okayyy...."

"I'll pack your bag for you, go get ready." I smile, grabbing their backpack. They nod as I walk out. Tree places their lunch box on the table, putting an apple in there. I bring their backpack onto the table as well.

"What do kids need in their backpacks?" I ask, looking through the bag again. Tree shrugs, "I haven't been in school for a bit, but we already bought them a pencil case, books, and the basic stuff."

" we put the lunch in there or..." I say, eyeing the container of Jr.'s food. Tree shrugs, "If it fits, saves him the trouble of carrying it."

"Yeah...good idea." I say, placing it in the bag. "Now when's Jr. getting here?" They ask, I shrug.

"I'M HERE WE AREN'T LATE ARE WE?" Jr. yells, jumping on top of me. "WOAH! Jr. calm down bud." I laugh, picking them up off my back and placing them on the ground.

"SORRY! I'M JUST REALLY EXCITED!!!" They yell, running over to the pantry and grabbing a box of cereal. "Jeez kid, you're going to wake up the whole neighborhood..." Tree chuckles, grabbing them a bowl.

"Sorry...I'm just really excited." He smiles, eating pretty much the whole box of cereal in one sitting. "Kid, you're going to throw up." Tree says, taking away the rest of the box.

"SORRY!" They say yet again, running around before grabbing their bag. I grab him before he can wreck the whole house and plant him calmly on the ground. "Kid...please calm down, I know you're excited but please calm down." I smile, shaking my head.

They take a deep breath, sitting on the floor after his running around like a crazy person.

"Can we go now?" They ask, standing up quickly again. Tree sighs, "Yeah, get in the car you two."

"YAY!" Jr. yells, taking my hand and running outside. "JR.!" I yell, getting dragged along.



Cherry Jr. P.O.V:

My dads walk me into the office of the school building thing, and the lady at the desk does some typing on her computer.

"...And your names?" She asks, "Tree Evergreen." Tree responds.

"Um...just Black Hole..." Dad says, the lady gives him a weird look, but keeps typing on her computer.

"He's all set, you can leave him here and an aid will be there to guide him to class." She says, handing them a piece of paper. Tree thanks her and turns to me, "We're gonna have to go remember what we told you?"

I nod, "'If anyone is mean to you beat them up'?" I asks. Tree slaps his hand on his forehead and Dad laughs a bit.

"No-...that's what Pillow said." Tree mutters, Dad smiles a bit. "Just be yourself, and don't forget you can tell us if anything is bothering you okay?"

I nod, "Thanks dads!" I say, waving them goodbye. They wave back, leaving me in the office alone with the lady and a few other people walking around.

I kind of just sit on a chair near me, fidgeting with my hands. Soon, a noise blares through the building, all the office people don't seem to mind it, but I have to cover my ears. It was an ugly noise...

Soon, a person walks up to me. They seem nice, wearing a pleated skirt and a sweater.

"Hello there! I'm going to be your guide! What's your name?" They ask, extending a prosthetic arm. I take it, shaking their hand.

"Um...Cherry Jr..." I whisper quietly. They nod, "Nice to meet you! I'm Gaty, I'll help you through your first few weeks of school. Lets get to your class."

This will be interesting...


Word Count: 984


I realize that I should probably do like a Q&A thing about this book, (But I'm lazy) So comment any of your questions here! I think it'll be fun to answer them!!

Have an awesome day homies!!! Drink lots of H2O!!!!


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