Chapter 72 - why did fire-erupted lands arrive?

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Black Hole P.O.V:

"Black Hole? You okay?"

"I'm fiiinnneee..." I mumble from under my blanket. Juno meows, I place my finger on her mouth. "Shush, you."

Tree sighs, sitting down next to me. "We both know you're lying." I groan, opting to just stay still. 'If I can't see you, you can't see me' type thing.

"You've been curled up on the couch under this blanket for hours." They sigh, tapping me a bit. I sit up, still underneath my barrier of pink cotton.

"I have been? It doesn't feel like I've been here for that long..." Juno hops back into my lap and purrs. I sigh, petting her slightly. "How come you've been...uh...isolating yourself lately?"

I pause, Juno grumbling at the lack of pets. "Shush." I whisper too her quietly.

"Huh?" Tree asks, guess I wasn't quiet enough...

"Nothing, just talking to Juno." I explain, resuming scratching behind her ear. "I see..." Tree whispers, leaning against my shoulder.

We sit in silence, Juno purring softly to fill the empty void of noise. "You sure you're okay?"

I pause again, looking down at Juno who as slowly fallen asleep. 

"...I guess I've kind of been blaming myself." I whisper, not moving my eyes from Juno. Tree glances over at that it feels, eyes peering at my blanket protection. 

"Why?" He asks, lifting themself off my shoulder. "I mean...I should have known..."

"Millions of people this. It's, sadly, normal. It's okay." They tell me, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"But I saw him, I let them do it. That was stupid..." I huff, frustrated. "Babe, come on. If you're really blaming yourself for being a victim of kidnapping, maybe we should look you into some therapy."

I freeze, therapy? I know that Fanny goes...but why would I have too?

"Why would I need too? I'm fine!" I exclaim, peeling myself out of their touch. Tree sighs, "Because it wasn't your fault!"

I peek my head out from under my blanket, "...really?"

They nod, holding my hands. "Yes. Really, it's not your fault. If anything I should have been there with you."

I roll my eyes, "Don't start blaming yourself now. You hypocrite."

They laugh, kissing my forehead. "I guess you're right, but you can't blame yourself either."

My chest flutters slightly hearing their laugh, "Yeah..." I pause for a moment. "Were you...serious...about that therapy thing?"

He nods, "I probably have a lot of other issues you need to work out in therapy as well."

I consider the offer. On one hand, therapy will probably make me feel happier. BUT-

On the other hand, I don't wanna.

"Will you...go with me?" I ask quietly, locking eyes with them. He smiles, kissing my forehead again. "Of course, and we can bring Juno as well."

I smile from ear to ear. "Thank you..." I whisper, leaning on them. He chuckles, hoisting me into their lap. "Of course, I love you..." He smiles, kissing my cheek. Juno groans, hopping out of my lap and into her cat tower.

"You're so cuuttee..." They grin, hiding their face in my neck. I blush beet red, chuckling a bit. "You're starlight, I love you so much..."

I hide my face in my hands, "Treeeeee..."

"What? Am I not allowed to compliment the love of my life?" He whispers, kissing my neck. I wrap my tail around their leg, "You're the wooorssttt." I laugh, pushing him off of me. "C''re so pretttyyyy!" He chuckles back at me, wrapping their hands around my waist.

"I just want to cuddle you, and love you, and give you a bunch of kisses," He laughs, kissing my cheek a bunch to accentuate their point. I shove their face away playfully, hoping up from their lap.

"You suck." I grin, rolling my eyes. "But you still love me!" Tree smiles, leaning back on the couch with a stupid grin on his face. 

"Yeah, yeah." I smile, kissing their cheek as well. "I'm going to make sure Jr. isn't tearing up the backyard." 

Tree nods, "I'll chill here a bit, love you." he responds, laying his head back. I beam, "Love you too."

I take a stroll outside, the afternoon sun hitting my skin. CJ jumps around on the trampoline we bought him, happily bouncing around.

"Hey CJ! You having fun?" I ask, they stop for a moment. "Yup! Want to jump around with me?"

I shrug, "Sure. Why not."

I hop into the little bouncy pad thing, jumping around a bit as well. "This is kind of fun." I grin, hopping around.

"Yeah! Watch this!" CJ yells, jumping around and doing a small spin. I clap my hands, smiling  from ear to ear.

"Cool! My turn!" I gain some air, doing my own little spin. I do fall on my back, but oh well. 

"You okay dad?" CJ asks, bouncing stopped. I give him a thumbs up, lying face down on the trampoline.

"What in the world are you guys doing?" Tree asks, walking out from the house. "Bouncing!" CJ exclaims, jumping a bit. I lift my face off the rubber mat, "Yeah!"

They roll their eyes, "Without me? I'm offended." He chuckles, climbing in as well. 

"Hmm...bouncey..." They say, meticulously examining the trampoline. He jumps, smiling widely. "Wheeeeee!"

I laugh, bouncing them back up into the air. They yelp, falling onto me. CJ laughs, so does Tree.

And so do I.

For the first time in a while.

I feel great.

"You're so dumb." Tree says between giggles, while CJ continues to bounce around. "Right back at you." I grin, letting them get off of me.

"I love you." Tree chuckles, playfully hitting my shoulder. I flinch a bit, shoving them back.

"Love you too, stupid."


Word Count: 914

Kinda shorter one but oh fucking well.


My arm might be broken (Probably not like an 80% chance of it being fine) so updates will start to REALLY slow down.

Awesome, woo hoo

Anyways take care of yourselves  and I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

My little happy star children :DDDDD <3

Oogily woogily

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