✨Chapter 9 - believe me darling

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Black Hole P.O.V:


We both continue to play. It was fun, which was surprising to me. I did not know running around mindlessly, shooting at things was entertaining.

"AH! Stupid Flower!" Tree groans, dying to the hindrance that was the floral boss. "No wonder this guy's boss fight is called "Floral Fury" They mumble, not being able to hide their frustration. I giggle, finding it...cute...that they were so upset over this. I had one life left, hopping around. Not really wanting to hurt the poor thing.

"...you have to shoot him babe..." 

I look at my disgruntled love, "I know." I reply, continuing to dodge, but not attack back. They sigh, staring at the screen.

"Awh..." I mumble, getting hit by an unexpected seed. "Tough right?" They ask, retrying the level. I nod, going at it again.

We dodge and weave, wanting to see the bosses end. I stay focused, firing my bullets at the plant. They seem kind...maybe misunderstood. 

But nonetheless, if my love wanted it dead, I could make it happen.

Lots of bullets later, the plant grows angry. Yanking on their petals, they contort into a giant beast. My eyes widen at the skillful animated expression the flower uses to portray itself. The amazing visuals lead to my downfall, as I plumet into the spiked floor below.

 "oops." I peep, they sigh again. Attempting to beat the boss on their own. I frown, saddened that I died to such a simple attack. They finish up the boss, surviving on two hearts. I smile, patting them on the back. 

"Good job sweetie..." I smile, they give a weak smile back. I look away, kind of upset that I almost costed them their game. They walk over to the next isle, getting ready to start the next boss.

"S-sorry..." I mumble, hugging their arm. They look at me, "Why?" They ask, turning towards me. I smile weakly, embarrassed I was making such a big fuss over this. "N-nothing...I was just...sorry I almost killed you..."

They smile, "It's okay love...don't be sorry. I know, it was your first time seeing these kind of things."

I frown, still embarrassed that I almost lost for them. It was silly to be so upset over this, of course I have to ruin everything by being over dramatic. I feel myself get teary eyed, not wanting to cry in front of them again. I look away, ashamed at myself.

"Hey...it's okay..." They say, wrapping their arms around me. "N-no it's not...this is the second time I've in the past hour! I-I..." I feel tears fall out of my eyes again, I hate it. I hate how I'm like this.

"Hey...it's okay....there's nothing wrong with feeling this way. Some people are just more emotional than others...nothing wrong with that." They say, holding me close. "D-do you not think it's shameful? That I can not control my own emotions...?" I inquire, hiding in their shirt.

They shake their head, "No...of course not...my cousin is just like you..." They say, I look up. "Cousin?"

They nod, "Her names Leafy, she has mood swings often. My aunt always said she had big emotions..." They chuckle, "She's been through a lot though...just like you, so it's okay." 

I give them a small smile, "Are you sure?" 

"Believe me, darling." They smile, giving me a small kiss on my forehead. I grin, giggling a bit. "Just make you don't take it out aggressively..." They chuckle, I nod back. "I couldn't imagine," I beam, cuddling up to them. We sit in a comfortable silence, enjoying each others embrace.

"Thank you for being here with me..." I thank after a few moments, cuddling up close to them. "..a-and being an amazing boyfriend...and loving me..." I stutter, feeling happy tears well up in my eyes.

"Ah-...there, I'm at it again..." I chuckle, feeling them spill over my face. Tree smile sweetly at me, holding me closely. They always feel so warm, inviting me into their arms.

"There there..." They coo, patting my head. I chuckle, was this what I was missing as a kid?

They lift me up, letting me sit next to them. I smile, letting them kiss the remaining tears away. They stroke my hair, giving me a peck on the cheek. "Thank you...love..." I say, leaning against them. They place their controller on the bed, shutting of they system.

"It's no problem darling..." They whisper, kissing me again. I laugh, returning their love. "That's enough Cuphead for today." They sigh, getting up. I grab their hand, yanking my own body up. 

"How do we always loose track of time?" They ask, checking their phone. "It's like already 6!" They exclaim, smacking their forehead.

"H-hey, don't hurt yourself now!" I say, pulling their hand away from their face. They sigh, "Yeah...we could do whatever you want now." They say.




"Can we cuddle?"


"Great, let's do that."


We both lay down on the couch, I extend my arms so they can crawl into them. They do, resting their head on my shoulder. "I love you...!" I smile, kissing them on the forehead. They nod, scootching up so they could be closer to my face. "I love you too sweetie..."

I smile, giving them a kiss. They smile and return the favor, I flash a grin back. 

"Thank you...for everything..." I whisper, pulling them close. They beam, holding my torso. "It's my pleasure...I love you."

"So do I Tree...so do I..."


Word count: 906

yay. I did it. Excited for the next chapter rn. I've got something planned, :)

 I've got something planned, :)

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