Chapter 25 - to know, we are beyond a 'bow

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Tree P.O.V:


I rub my eyes as I wake up, sitting upright slowly.

Yawning, I attempt to hop out of bed, only to feel Black Hole's tail yank me back down. I yelp quietly, laying back down next to him. I smile, shaking my head.

I guess they're an impulsive cuddler, fine with me. Means I don't need to get up right now. I give up, laying close to him as they continued to sleep.

Cherry Jr. also seems to still be sleeping, fair, it was a long night.

I'm glad things are seemingly getting back to normal. I missed this...the not being constantly on edge, being able to just relax.

Yeah, that'd be nice.

I guess that's my fault for falling in love with a god. Yeah, my bad on that note. Has there been more downs than ups? Probably, but it's okay. That's just the kind of stuff you'd do for love.

I watch as Cherry Jr. slowly wakes up, they groan, hiding back under the blanket. I chuckle and pat their back.

"C'mon, we have to get up." I tell, them. They grumble, "Whyyyyy? You're still laying down...."

I laugh, "That's because Black Hole's tail won't let me leave." I say, attempting to wriggle out. Cherry Jr. mumbles, attempting to get out himself. Only to be dragged back in by Black Holes arm.

"Oh come on...." They grumble. I laugh, shaking my head slowly. "I'll wake them up."

"Babe, wake up. We have to do stuff today." I whisper, shaking them softly. They shift in their sleep slowly waking up. "Okay..."

He tries to sit up, only to wince and fall backwards. I turn to look at them, "You okay?"

"Y-yeah...nothing that I didn't bring upon myself..." They laugh, shaking their head. I roll my eyes, getting out of bed. Cherry Jr, already standing up.

"I slept horribly...." They grumble, rubbing their neck. I chuckle, "Well, the position you were sleeping in it's understandable."

"I feel like my neck got hit by an anvil," they complain, stretching. I nod, helping Black Hole sit up. "That'll happen."

I help them stand as they lean against the bed. He sighs, hugging me closely. "You think you can walk?" I ask, supporting them.

They shake their head, "P-probably not..."

I nod, helping them make small steps towards the door. Cherry Jr. goes ahead of us, opening the door as they walk out. We follow them, slowly.

"W-what happened while I w-was asleep?" They ask, I shrug. "We missed you a lot."

They nod, "I would h-hope as much."

We approach the stairs, Cherry Jr. of course flies down them. Jumping the last step, "Cherry Jr, please don't hurt yourself..." Black Hole calls as the kid runs into the kitchen.

"No promises!" They yell back, I roll my eyes, helping Black Hole make their way down the stairs. "Please don't fall-" I tell them, helping them down step by step. They roll their eyes, "I'll try."

We reach the bottom, scrambling into the kitchen where the kid has already grabbed a box of fruit loops.

"Jesus kid, were you that hungry?" I ask, letting Black Hole sit down. They shrug, stuffing their mouth with the cereal.

I shake my head, beginning to make coffee. Black Hole and Cherry Jr converse in the meantime. It was nice, having things seemingly go back to normal.

"How much sugar is in that?" I ask, placing a cup of coffee in front of Black Hole. Cherry Jr shrugs, handing me the box.

"Kid, there's 29 grams in a cup in this stuff." I say, eyeing them suspiciously. They shrug, "It tastes good sooo...It's fine!" They say smiling, I shake my head.

"Okay then..." I laugh, sipping my coffee. We continue to chat, talking about random things. It was refreshing, calm.

Weird, that usually doesn't happen.

"Can I go outside now?" Cherry. Jr asks as he puts his bowl in the sink. I nod, "Just stay in the backyard okay?"

They nod, running outside through the door.

"They're so energetic," Black Hole says, drinking his coffee. I nod, "You did this to yourself," I point out. They nod and chuckle slightly.

"I guess I did," they admit, giving my hand a weak squeeze. I smile, holding their hand in return. "I missed this..." They sigh, leaning against me.

"So did don't even know how lost I was without you..." I mutter, holding them close to me. They nod, returning the side hug.

We sit in silence, it was nice to just know they were okay. It was calming, knowing they were alive.

"What's Cherry Jr. doing?" They ask after a bit. I look out the window to see Cherry Jr. covered in mud digging a very large pit.

"Tearing up my back yard..." I grumble, getting up. They follow, accepting the help I give them.

"KID WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yell, they pop their head up. "Making a hole!"

"Why?" Black Hole asks, attempting to stand on their own. The kid shrugs, looking around. "HEY LOOK A RAINBOW!!!"

I turn towards where they were looking. Sure enough, there was a beautiful rainbow. "Woah! What is that?" Black Hole asks, I smile. "A rainbow, it happens sometimes after it rains and its sunny."

We continue to stare in awe at the 'bow. It was rare to see one, then again we did just have a rain storm.

"Okay, cool and all. But kid, you did still tear up my back yard." I say, turning back my attention to Cherry Jr. covered in dirt.

"At least I didn't get your flowers!" They say, I shrug. "I guess, but still!"

"It is a nice pit...seems like it took them a bit." Black Hole says, smiling at the mess. I slap my hand on my face. "They still ruined my yard..."

"We'll fix it love, it'll be okay." They laugh, giving me a small kiss. I blush and nod. "I guess..."

"C'mon kid, lets get you cleaned up!" I call out, they nod scrambling over to us.

Things are going back to normal.


Word Count: 968

Shit ending but oh well <3





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