Chapter 61 -thinking aloud without making a sound (TW!)

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!!Mentions of injury from the previous chapters, (And a bit of Gore-)!! You have been warned!!


Liy P.O.V:

Tree sleeps soundly next to the couch, his breath quiet. He needs it, he's already had an exhausting day.

I sigh, getting up from my seat on the armchair and walking outside to clear my head. Fanny and Marker are digging a hole in the yard. Playing "Toss The Dirt"...I never understood the point of that game...

Lightning referees for them both, while Remote rolls her eyes. Pie just sits there, uninterested in what's going on.

"How are you guys so calm about this?" I ask Lightning. He sighs, "I think we're all just trying to keep our minds off of it for now." 

I nod, looking around. "Where'd Jr. go?" I inquire. "I called Leafy to come get him. He's staying over at her house for a bit." Pie states, glancing over to where Pillow is trying to do a handstand but failing.

"At least she's not murdering anyone..." Remote mutters under her breath. I smile, sitting with the rest of the group. "Is Pen still keeping watch of them both?" Fanny asks loudly from her pit.

"Yeah, Tree's sleeping right now." I call back. She nods, going back to her game.


"I'll get it." Remote says, standing up and stretching before heading to the front door.

Remote P.O.V:

My walk to the front door is slow, taking my time is something I do best. Seconded only by Pie, I still take pride in it, though.

Opening the door reveals Golf Ball behind it.

"Oh, hey Golf Ball." I greet, smiling softly. She gives a respectful nod, "Hello Remote, I was just wondering what all the yelling an shouting was? I'm busy and it is very distracting!" 

"Sorry GB...we just, a situation right now. We'll try to keep it down." I explain, knowing Golf Ball, she would want to stick her nose in this. Best to keep it vague.

She seems to accept my answer, "Alright, thank you Remote." She says formally, turning on her heel to leave the porch.

"Bye GB." I sigh, closing the door behind me. I let out a groan, walking back out into the backyard. 

"You okay, dude?" Liy asks as I plop back down on the grass. I nod, "Just tired...and worried."

She nods back in agreement, "Same here. I've never seen Tree this upset..." Liy says softly, letting awkwardness settle around us.

"We'll be okay, he'll be okay. Everything will be okay..." Pie says quietly, sitting very still. I let out a shaky sigh, "I hope you're right..."

Tree P.O.V:

I groan, slowly opening my eyes. Rubbing them tiredly, I let out a yawn.

Where am I again? I ask myself, groaning as I shift to stand up. Pen's house...? Why am I...?


I sigh, moving to sit up more on the couch. Next to them. "Hi Black Hole...not sure if you can hear me..." I whisper, gently grabbing their hand.

They twitch a small bit. I freeze up, watching them intently. "....Black Hole...?"

They shift a bit, murmuring in their sleep. "Babe...can you hear me? Are you awake...?" I ask, my voice dipped in fear and worry.

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