(2) ☆ Unfamiliar Faces☆

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no ones pov:

Jisung walked onto campus, limping slightly on his left leg. He saw his one and only friend, Felix, sitting at a table with a few others chatting to them happily. He quickly hid his limp and made his way over to them but before he could reach their table, he was stopped by a group of popular girls from his year. He sighed heavily, knowing what was about to happen. The girl in the middle of the huddle stepped forward, placing one hand on Jisung's shoulder and twirling her hair with her other.

"Hey Jisung, I'm sure you missed me, right?" she laughed, fully facing him so the others wouldn't see her sly smile.

" Jiah, please stop your nonsense, I'm not in the mood today," he replied in a cold tone. The annoying girl rushed to his side, clinging onto his arm and looking up at him, blinking her eyes rapidly.

"Oh come on, I'm sure you don't mean that. Your making your girlfriend sad," she faked a sob and leant into Jisung's shoulder, hiding her face and muttering in his ear.

" You better go along with it, you know what will happen to you if you humiliate me don't you? Now be a good boy and tell everyone how much you love me you fucking irritating bitch, " she let go of his arm and turned to face him, exaggerating a pout. His eyes widened in evident fear after hearing Jiah's threat.

Jisung sighed, he couldn't be bothered to make up an excuse now so he reluctantly decided to give the annoying brat what she wanted for today. He took a deep breath and was about to open his mouth, disgusted by the evil smirk on the younger's face when he felt an arm wrap round his shouldering and a heard familiar chuckle next to him.

"There you are Jisung, I was waiting for you!" Felix's deep voice exclaimed as he eyed Jiah up and down with sass, " Oh sorry I didn't see you there....hmm I can't quite remember your name. Clearly can't be that important then. Come on Ji, I know how much you hate unwanted attention and she clearly doesn't understand you well enough to know that." Felix said, beaming brightly at him and giving Jiah a fake and disgusted smile.

Felix was right, Jisung really hated being the centre of attention and whilst he had been talking with Jiah, quite a crowd had gathered around them, as she had been talking in an intended loud voice to make him feel pressured. Jiah glared at Felix who remained his calm, unbothered composure which clearly pissed her off. She then huffed loudly before storming off, her three minions following close behind her.

"What's so interesting huh? You want my fist in your faces you nosey bastards? Go on, scram!" Felix shouted to the people still gathered around them. He grabbed a firm hold on Jisung's hand as the crowd began to disperse and angrily shoved his way through the few people left hanging around.

Felix could feel the olders hand shaking in his as they made their way to their table. He slowed down his pace to walk next to his friend and gently stroked his back to calm him down. The last thing they needed right now was for Jisung to start having a panic attack before classes had even begun. The pair had arrived at the table by now and Jisung looked around with a confused look on his face.

He glanced at Felix questionably, waiting for his explanation. His friend noticed his puzzled look and smiled as warm as the sun.

"These are my, well our I guess, new friends!" Felix explained happily, "I met Chan yesterday whilst you weren't in school, he helped me find a book from the library for my assignment. These are his friends, they're all in the year above us, although Seungmin is the same age." he said, signaling to the three males across the table from them.

" Hiya there mate! My name's Bang Chan, you can call me Chan," the blonde male sitting next to Felix introduced himself, his aussie accent evident when he spoke. Jisung bowed politely to him as he sat down, taking in his attractive charm and noting his simple and comfy style; a black hoodie and simple grey trackies.

"Hi, I'm Changbin an-"

"And you can call him trashbin if you want" the brown hair male next to him interrupted.

"YAH KIM SEUNGMIN!!!" the shorter of the two yelled chasing the other who was now running round the table trying to escape from him.

"That's Seungmin, his favourite hobby is to piss off Changbin as much as he possibly can, although we all know they really love each other, " Chan said, letting out a lighthearted chuckle. Jisung got up suddenly, making everyone in the group stop and look towards him.

"Sorry I don't feel great right now, I think I'll visit the nurses office. Felix, please tell the professor I won't be in class," he said, slinging his bag over his shoulder

"Hey, Ji, wait up. I'll come with you," Felix said, standing up, only to be pushed back down by a firm hand on his shoulder.

" It's alright, Lix, you stay here, don't worry about me I'm fine, I think I'm just coming down with a cold," Jisung told him softly. Felix opened his mouth to protest but he was stopped by his friend,

"Please Lix, I swear I'm fine I'll call you later yeah?" Felix reluctantly agreed watching sadly as his friend slowly stumbled off. His new friends gathered around him, Chan putting a hand on his back gently.

"Is everything ok with him?" Chan asked, concerned and Felix sighed sadly,

" I honestly have absolutely no idea Chan. He won't tell me anything, all I can do is hope he gets through it with me there to comfort him as much as he lets me."


Hi my lovelies, I hope you are enjoying the story so far and that you are feeling ok and remember how amazing you are <3

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