(4) ♡ Blurred Reality ♡

118 11 0

-Light Smut


Suddenly everybody fell silent and Minho looked around, confused. He slipped between gaps in the slight crowd so he could see what everyone was looking at, stopping behind a few people and peering over their heads.

And there he saw the hottest guy he had ever laid eyes on; messy curled brunette hair, dark eyes that seemed to drag him into a trance and the most well sculpted body he had ever seen, perfect legs, slim waist and slightly chubby jeeks. His gaze was fixed on the newcomer, absolutely mesmerised by his ethereal beauty and unable to turn his head away, not that he wanted to anyway.

"Hey Jisung, hey Lix!" Someone shouted from the crowd excitedly, breaking the tension in the room as everyone returned to their previous conversation.

Minho was so focused on the male that he hardly noticed the slightly shorter, blonde boy holding his arm until he whispered something in the others ear. Whatever was said made Jisung turn and look directly to where Minho was standing, tilting his head slightly.

The older one felt his cheeks burn slightly as his eyes connected with Jisung's for the first time, getting even more lost in his deep, sparkling eyes. Jisung observed the other for a few seconds taking in his features; cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of pink, ruffled black hair, cat-like eyes, muscular arms and pouty lips. He then smirked at Minho, winking at him before heading to the kitchen with Felix to get a drink.

As the party continued through the night, Minho hardly saw Jisung at all and as the alcohol he was drinking began to fog over his mind, he decided to put his thoughts to the side and enjoy the party. He danced and belted out wrong lyrics with his friends, and they sometimes stood around, telling the most unfunny jokes and bursting into uncontrollable laughter, unsure of why they were even laughing.

It was approaching midnight, yet the party was still going strong, people of all genders grinding up against one another, kissing, making out, throwing away their sexuality for one night.

Minho decided to take a breath away from the stench of sweaty bodies colliding with each other and stepped outside into the cool night air, unaware of Jisungs presence, who was around the corner having a smoke. As he felt the effect of the alcohol he had consumed throughout the night kick in slightly, the older turned to go back to the party when he smelt a waft of smoke blowing from behind him.

"Hey handsome, you wanna have some fun together?" Someone slurred in his ear, "we can take it somewhere a bit more private if you want, " Minho slowly recognised the voice as Jisung's.

He could feel the warm breath in his ear and seeping down his neck. Jisung's curly hair partly covered his face, and Minho was far too drunk and horny to care what the consequences would be. Jisung was also clearly as drunk, possibly even more drunk, than Minho, so without a second thought, he pulled him roughly by his neck.

He smashed his lips onto the younger's in a messy and desperate kiss, his hands roaming his body and ending up around Jisung's slim (j)aist .

"Like what you fee,  hm baby?" He asked in a low voice, breaking their kiss and moving down to Minho's neck. The older threw back his head as he felt Jisung's soft lips sucking on his neck, his teeth biting down on his delicate skin and his wet tongue licking the spots he had marked.

Minho moaned softly as Jisung's hands explored his chest, sliding under his shirt and grazing over his pecs, playing with them gently between his finger and thumb.

"Mm, you like that baby?" Jisung smirked, watching Minho's pleasure filled face; his eyes rolled back and half closed, sweat slowly trickling down his forehead and his swollen lips hanging open to let his beautiful moans escape.

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