Safe Space 🫂💌🗣

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Hey my lovelies!
This isn't a chapter of the book so you can skip if you want but if not feel free to STAY 🤗

Throughout this book, you may see a few of these and it's just a place that's non judgemental and safe for all.

You can vent or just have a chat, I don't mind. You can tell me what's on your mind or just talk nonsense to take your mind off something if you don't feel comfortable sharing online.

This is a place you can come back to whenever you feel low or need support, I'll always be here to give you a big virtual hug 🫂

I know life gets tough for us all at times, some more than others. People and events can easily get overwhelming and we just brush it aside, trying to ignore it until we can't anymore. Sometimes, by that point it's too late, so it's important to talk about it before it gets to that point.

If you're not ok to share details but still want to talk, you can make up a scenario, don't make it specific.

Whatever it is, I want to know. Please don't let it go too far until you loose yourself, you're far too amazing, beautiful and inspirational to loose 😙

No matter what you've been told in the past, you're feeling ARE valid, they ARE normal and people ARE here to listen and to love you.

I love you and whatever you've been told before doesn't matter, you are worthy, you deserve to be loved, to be treated with respect and to be appreciated 💞

Don't do anything silly, don't be mean to others and definitely don't be mean to yourself. Don't listen to all the voices around you or in your head, only listen to the positive ones, the ones that tell you to keep going.

Don't hurt yourself, don't even think about giving up. I know it gets hard, but it will pass. Even if it doesn't, I'm here to get through it with you ✊️

I know you may feel like nobody cares, I've been there so many times and I'm still there if I'm honest. Some things just never change. But once you learn to love yourself and who you are, as hard as it may be, it becomes so much easier.

I'm still healing and I don't know if I'll ever fully heal. But just remember; those scars are beautiful, they make you unique and they show your bravery and strength of getting through those tough times. Don't give up, keep going. I promise with everything I have, although that isn't much, that there IS light at the end of this dark and never ending tunnel 💓

Lots of love and big channie hugs

E <3

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