(6)◇ Our Memories ◇

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After their bath, Minho wanted to be taken home as he often struggled to sleep properly in places other than his own bed or his desk. Jisung had agreed to drive him home since he was completely sobered up as he had been drinking plenty of water in between drinks and had only had around 2 beers.

Jisung was now standing outside the door of the dorm room with a tired Minho leaning against him, who had an arm around his jaist. The older one was fumbling with a keychain he had pulled out of his jacket pocket, and he was struggling to find the right key for the door despite there being only 2 keys on the chain. Jisung chuckled slightly to see the tired stupidity of the older who had finally got the right key and was turning it in the lock.

The calming, intoxicating scent of lavender mixed with fresh linen hit Jisung as soon as he stepped into the room. He looked around with curiosity as Minho stumbled into the kitchen, saying something about water. The whole area, though quite small, was crammed with decorations, plants, picture frames, and what looked like homemade candles.

The brunette made his way over to one of the tall shelves that was full of random textbooks, hanging vines, a few candles, and a lot of picture frames. Jisung picked one up, smiling to himself as he saw the silly expression on Minho's face, who was half lying on top of another, shorter male, and they both appeared to be quite drunk.

He was snapped out of his (drunk) daze when he heard a crash in the kitchen, followed by a loud groan. He quickly placed the picture back on the shelf and hurried over to see Minho sitting on the floor with a massive bottle of vodka, taking swigs and laughing to himself about nothing in particular. Jisung sighed and crouched down by Minho's side

"Where did you get that from, you naughty boy?" The younger took the bottle away from his grip and placed it on the counter above them

"Hmmm, ah! Sungieeee...binnie left it on the *hiccup* counterrrr," Minho hiccuped again, grinning stupidly at Jisung, who was busy admiring him. He reached out his arms and gently squished his jeeks (the ones on his face) chuckling to himself at Jisung's quokka-like appearance.

"Come on baby, let's get you into bed, yeah?" The brunette placed an arm around his waist, then one under his arms to help him stand up. Once he was standing, Minho started making grabby hands, refusing to walk forwards and instead wanting to be carried.

Jisung grabbed Minho and slung him over his shoulder as if he was no heavier than a kitten. He made his way over to where he guessed Minho's bedroom was, the older kicking his legs, giggling and hicupping uncontrollably as he swung from his shoulder. Jisung opened the door to Minhos' room and placed him gently down onto the small double bed in the middle of the room.

The brunette looked around his surroundings. There was a large window directly opposite the door, in front of which there was a small wooden desk and chair, decorated with cacti, random school work, odd bits of stationary, and even more photos. Unlike the others in the rest of the house, these picture frames contained photos of cats, three of them, some with Minho and some with just them.

There were large potted plants standing either side of the desk and a three legged floor lamp with a few polaroid photos stuck to the wall alongside a few sticky notes with lists of tasks that needed to be done or assignments that needed to be finished. It made Jisung feel a strange sense of joy seeing Minho enjoying time with friends in all the photos with a bright, happy smile plastered to his face.

"Mmmm....Sungieeee," Jisung turned around at the mention of his name to be met with a shirtless Minho who was struggling to strip himself of his trousers whilst wriggling around on his back in his bed. Jisung smiled to himself at the sight of Minho acting so childish and getting himself helplessly tangled in the blankets.

"You silly boy," the younger chuckled, making his way over to the bed and helping Minho get untangled from the blankets and laying him with his head on the pillow.

"You need your sleep, princess, so you can look beautiful in the morning."

"Hmph, I'm already beautiful," Minho pouted at Jisung, turning so his back was facing him.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry baby, you're already absolutely stunning. But you still need to get some sleep, it's nearly 3am," Jisung rolled Minho over so he could see his face, his heart missing a few beats as he saw how cute the older looked with the faint blush tinting his cheeks and his plump lips that were scrunched up into a little pout.

Jisung helped Minho off with his trousers and discarded them on the floor, tucking the blankets around the others bare body. He placed a soft kiss on Minho's forehead, ruffling his hair tentatively and stroking his soft cheek with his thumb.

He slowly got up from the bed carefully so to not wake the sleeping boy and was turning towards the door of the bedroom, about to leave, when he felt a warm hand close around his wrist with a firm grip.

"Yaa... please...hug me..." Minho's voice a muffled as his mouth was covered by the pillow but Jisung still managed to hear what he was saying. The older then tugged on his arm, taking Jisung by surprise as he fell into the bed, his body inches away from Minho 's. Jisung smiled as he looked at Minho's beautiful features, which looked even better up close, now he could see the perfect sculpture of his jaw, the precise cat-like shape of his eyes and how cute he looked when his nose was slightly crinkled when he scrunched his eyes closed.

After he had admired all of Minho's beauty , Jisung delicately pulled the older's body closed to his, his whole body relaxing as he felt the comforting warmth of Minho's body heat whilst they cuddled. Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's chest as the older snuggled closer, resting his hands on Jisung's slim jaist.

"Good night sungie," Minho mumbled, half-asleep as he felt himself slowly drift off to dreamland. Jisung smiled as he once again heard the nickname he had grown so find of in the past few hours. His heart was so full , so content right now and he felt at peace as he heard the soft snores of Minho beside him, felt the warmth radiating from his arm still draped around Jisung's jaist and watching the way the low glowing moon reflected on his flawless face. He could hardly remember the last time he had felt this much for anyone, let alone felt this way after having a hook up with some random guy at a party.

"Sleep tight, jagi" Jisung spoke softly, his lips brushing faintly against Minho's rosy cheek.


I am really curious if anybody is even reading this book or if all the reads are just me when I proofread a chapter. Like please tell me if your here because I feel so lonely right now lol.

Love you lots as always 💓 😙


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