(5)☆ Don't Make Me Bad☆

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-smut (consensual)


"You look so fucking hot right now baby," Jisung whispered as he watched Minho underneath him rubbing against him in the hope of any form of friction.

"Allow me to help you my darling," The brunette smirked, removing his knee from between the olders legs, causing him to whine in dismay. His whines were soon replaced by loud sighs and pleasured moans as Jisung started to grind both their bulges together, panting as he straddled Minho, rolling his hips in a pace that increased by the second.

He looked down curiously as he heard the older moan louder than any other and let out a massive sigh as if he hadn't been breathing for hours.

"Fuck, your so fucking hot Jisung," Minho murmured and the younger looked down to see a wet patch on the others jeans. He laughed softly, stroking his hand over Minho's cheek and gazing into his eyes.

"You don't hold out for long then?" Jisung asked, ready to get off the older and help him clean up. He was stopped by a hand grabbing a fistful of his shirt and dragging him back down, now directly ontop of him. Minho joined their lips together once more, this time fueled by desire and lust.

Jisung raised his eyebrow in shock but didn't protest, kissing back with the same greed and hunger. He slowly slipped his hands under Minho's shirt and felt the other tremble at his touch. He then tugged at the hem, asking to remove the pointless cloth. Minho, unable to get out any sort of words, simply stripped the shirt off himself and melted at Jisung's admiring gaze as he traced those toned abs with his eyes, then his fingers and finally his tongue.

Minho moaned loudly as he felt Jisung take one of his nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue round it and nipping it gently with his teeth before doing the same to the other. His majestic hands still traced over Minho's stomach and made him shiver with pleasure when he felt the cold metal of the rings brushing over his skin.

Once he finished, Jisung moved down to place soft kisses all down the olders abs and stomach. He eventually reached the waistband of Minho's pants and he looked up with a mischievous smirk. Minho grabbed a fist of brunette curls as Jisung licked around the edge of the waistband before gliding his tongue back up, over his neck and chin and entered Minho's mouth.

They both moaned into the kiss as they felt the others tongue collide with their own, both their hands still exploring each others magnificent bodies. Minho reached his hand up and pulled at the turtle neck Jisung was wearing. They stopped kissing and Minho quickly pulled the youngers shirt over his head and threw it to the side.

His vision was blurred as he admired the breathtaking beauty infront of him, so flawless, and perfect in his eyes. Jisung guided Minho's hands up to hold either side of his small jaist as he kissed all the way down his stomach and ended just before the top of his pants.

"May I?" He asked, looking up into Minho's eyes.

"Yes. Please, I want whatever you give me Ji,"

The brunette faintly smiled at this new nickname, licking his lips as he unzipped Minho's trousers and pulled them off, leaving him in only his tight boxers which were perked up in a tent shape once again.

"You're hard again already baby? You really are a sucker for my touch,"

Jisung hooked one slender finger around the waistband, following it around Minho's stomach, allowing it to snap back, then slowly pulling the thin material down to release Minho's hard dick.

The younger smirked, slowly moving his head downwards as he felt Minho's gaze following every single one of his movements. Jisung stuck out his tongue, licking the tip that was still slightly covered in Minho's juices. He tasted the saltiness in his mouth, savouring the flavour before going back for more.

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