(8) ☆What happened?☆

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Felix was lying on his couch playing League of Legends desperately trying to upgrade his level from bronze when he suddenly got a call, interrupting his gameplay. He sighed,' I swear this better be important or I'm gonn-'

His frustration quickly vanished once he saw the caller

Quokka 🐿
Emergency ❗️⚠️❗️


"Ji? Are you ok?"

No answer.

"Ji, seriously, don't joke around!"



A weak cough was heard over the line.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god. Jisung baby stay with me can you hear me?"


"Ok ok ok. Its gonna be ok I'm on my way right now."

Felix rushed to the door, grabbing his coat and shoes, without hanging up the phone, just as his roommate and close friend, Jeongin, opened the dorm door.

"Jesus christ you scared me!" The younger exclaimed."Hey lix is everything ok? Hey hey hey take some deep breathes. What's wrong?"

"I-its jisung. H-he needs h-help. I don't kn-know what's happened." Felix was literally shaking and could hardly breathe he was so frightened.

"Ok it's all gonna be ok I'll drive you to his place and we can talk on the way yeah? Come on, let's go nice and slow yeah?" Jeongin led Felix out the door, going slowly to give the older time to breathe normally again. They took the stairs to the ground floor as the elevator was out of order and the younger took Felix to his car, helping him into the passenger side before hurrying round to the drivers seat.

He started the car and they backed out of the car park, Felix entering Jisung's address onto the SatNav. He still hadn't hung up their call so he continued to say encouraging words through the phone, mainly to calm himself down.

Once they were safely on the road, Jeongin began asking questions.

"So what exactly happened lix?" He asked the blonde who was much calmer by now.

"So I was playing a game on my phone you know just chillin and I hadn't really spoken much to Jisung throughout today if I'm honest. Then suddenly I got a call, I was really pissed at first but then I saw it was Jisung calling and it had an emergency symbol on the call," Felix took a quick breathe before continuing.

"I obviously picked up and asked what's up but there was no reply. At first I thought it was a prank or some shit but then he still didn't reply so I got really fucking scared. I heard a very quiet cough kinda like he was coughing up blood or something. So then I got fucking terrified and ran to the door to go to his place then you walked in and y'know the rest." He finished, slightly out of breath.

Jeongin sighed quietly at his panicked friend.

"Ok Lix everything will be fine. We are gonna go to his place and get him, I'm sure he's fine and there's nothing bad that's happened to him," the younger explained, trying his best to calm the situation down. By now they were on the highway, swerving and speeding down the road.

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