(3) ◇While The Night Is Young◇

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Felix rushed home quickly after his final class, calling jisung as soon as he got through his dorm door.

No answer.

* Please leave your message after the beep*

" Hey Ji, I just wanted to make sure you got home safe and everything's ok. Please call me back when you can. I'll be waiting. Alright, I love you, bye." Felix ended his voicemail and put his phone down, sighing as he slumped down onto his couch.

Time skip to the next day:

Felix woke up suddenly by knocking at his door as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. He realised he had fallen asleep on the couch last night as he had been texting Jisung, and they had finally agreed that he would come around to Felix's place today so they could talk in person.

Remembering all this, Felix jumped up from his couch, pulling on a white hoodie and hurrying to the door. He opened the door, and there stood Jisung, a slight smile on his lips as he saw Felix's untidy clothes and messy bed hair.

"Don't just stand there. Come on in," the younger said with a smile that could melt any heart. Jisung nodded, slipping off his shoes and hanging up his jacket as he entered the dorm.

" Want anything to drink?" Felix shouted from the kitchen, popping his head round the corner. Jisung walked into the kitchen, ruffling Felix's hair as he passed him.

"I'll just grab myself some water," was his reply as he took a glass from the cupboard and filled it with ice.

" Damn you really treat this as your own home then?" Felix chuckled, watching as Jisung poured himself some water and made his way to the couch.

"Yeah, I guess. Anyway, what's going on? Why'd you ask me here?" Felix let at a sigh.

"C'mon Ji, don't act so unaware. You don't have to tell the others about what's going on, but please tell me, I might be able to help," Felix looked up at his friends face with his big, sad eyes.

"Please, Ji, I'm your best friend. I understand if you don't wanna talk about it too much, but at least let me have some clue as to what's going on, I want to help you," Jisung looked at Felix with no expression on his face.

"My parents paid me a visit."


"You good now?" Felix asked, pulling away from the embrace that had lasted for 20 minutes with Jisung.
"A bit better, thanks," came his short reply followed by a deep breath.

"I think I'll be ok to tell you some of it now. My parents...well.... they never loved me. I don't wanna go too deep right now, but there's been a lot of issues between us. I haven't seen them in years, and I never told them where I lived. Somehow, though, they managed to get my address, and they sent a gang to get money off me. It scared me so badly that I realised what sort of thing they are capable of. I managed to push them away for a bit now by giving them the money they requested, but I-I don't know when they will be back...."

Felix groaned as Jisung came to the end of his story. Of course, he had known there were issues between jisung and his parents, but he never imagined it to be that bad. The fact that this was only part of the story made him worry deeply about what Jisung had been through.

"Thank you so much for trusting me with that. It means a lot. If anything else happens, please tell me, I really care and worry about you, Ji,"

Jisung smiled slightly at the sunshine boy, happy to have such an amazing friend.

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