(7)♡ Do I Know You?♡

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⚠️Trigger warnings ⚠️
-Child abuse
-Violence and blood

Time skip to present day

As Minho approached the entrance of the garage he worked at, someone hurried past him in the opposite direction. They collided with each other, and as Minho turned to apologize, their eyes met, and all of last night came flooding back to him.

They both stood there, completely lost in each others eyes as their brains flooded with memories of the previous night. A small smirk made its way onto the strangers lips as he stood there, admiring Minho's face and pulling him into a deep trance.

They were rudely interrupted by the slam of a door opening and a female voice, "Yah Lee Minho, you're late already, are you just gonna stand there and stare at that hotty whilst you're pay is getting cut?"

Minho quickly forced his eyes away from staring, and he bowed politely, mumbling an apology before hurrying inside the garage. He headed straight for the staff room located behind the counter at the back of the shop and pushed through the swinging doors, stumbling into the row of lockers and slowly sliding his back down.

He ended up slumped in the floor, hands covering his extremely red face, and his knees tucked up to his chest. His self-embarrassment was interrupted by the presence of someone else entering the staff room.

"C'mon, spill the beans. Who's your new hubby?"

" Firstly, Ryujin ,he is NOT my hubby. And secondly, mind your own damn business and stop being so nosy!" Minho replied, shooting a fake angry glare at his friend crouched beside him. Despite his best efforts, he still felt the heat slowly seeping into his cheeks at her assumptions as he imagined what it would be like if they were true.

Ryujin nudged him with her shoulder, making him topple over, "Aw, is someone getting shyyy?"

Minho sent her a death glare as he picked himself up off the floor, " I'm not shy, " before quickly making his way out of the staff room and into the main part of the garage. Ryujin ran after him, still teasing him as she followed behind him. Her sing-song teasing quickly stopped as they came face to face with their boss, San, who was watching them with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face.

Minho bowed politely as he greeted him and then rushed off to look busy cleaning tools nearby, close enough so he could hear all the tea.

"Ryujin, since you seem to treat your workplace as a playground maybe I should stop paying you; you seem to be having so much fun running around and teasing your colleagues that surely I don't need to pay you for that," their boss scolded, not hearing the quiet snickers coming from Minho who was behind him

" No sir, I'm sorry I-" Ryujin was stopped mid sentence by another male who wrapped his arm around San's shoulder and pecked his cheek lightly.

"C'mon Sannie, she's just having fun. You don't always need to be so strict on these kids. Let them breathe a bit." San sighed in defeat as his cheeks flushed slightly.

"If it makes you happy, Woo baby," he said, facing the slightly shorter male. He then turned back to Ryujin , "Don't let me catch you not working again today, " Before they both walked off hand in hand, Wooyoung turning back to playfully wink at the two friends.

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