(9) ◇ Wait For Me ◇

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⚠️ Trigger warnings ⚠️

-Mentions of self harm and blood


Once they were alone in the room, Minho gently held onto Jisung hand.

"Are you....ok..? Like seriously....?" He asked, concerned laced in his voice as he looked at Jisung worriedly.

"I'm honestly not sure. I mean, my body hurts like a bitch and my mental state is quite messed up right now. I'm still trying to process what happened..." Jisung admitted, feeling surprisingly comfortable around Minho.

"Wait so...you do remember what happened?" Minho asked, looking at the younger curiously .

"Well...please don't tell Felix or anyone else...but yes..." Jisung muttered, feeling slightly ashamed of himself for lying to his best friend who he always told everything to.

"I won't tell them, I promise. But why didn't you tell them the truth? I mean, I don't expect you to tell me what happened but I want to understand why you lied" the older squeezed Jisung's hand encouragingly, being gentle so he wouldn't hurt any of his wounds.

"Well, I guess...I couldn't come up with anything to tell them fast enough, so I just said I couldn't remember."

"So why not just be honest with him and tell him what really happened?" Minho was struggling to understand Jisung's reasoning, although he was doing his best.

"Well, I can't. What happened...I don't want him to know. He's too...fragile. I don't want to make him cry so I thought it's better if I don't tell him at all." Jieung explained quietly, embarrassed that he couldn't tell anyone about his father.

"Ok, I understand. But I think you should speak to someone. It doesn't have to be Felix and I don't expect it to be me either. But I think it will make it worse if you keep it to yourself," Minho explained, hoping Jisung would take his advice.

Jisung sighed as he listened to Minho. "Right, I'll consider it. But for now, could you help me come up with something I can tell Lix without him bursting into tears?"

Minho let a small chuckle slip through his lips at this. "Of course I'll help! Maybe....hm...how about, you tell him that someone attacked you on the street and you managed to get home but fell and hit your head and passed out or something?"

"Are you a story writer or what? But I think that's quite a good idea, Lix will believe it and won't worry about it too much," Jisung agreed after a few seconds of thought

Minho nodded and gently stroked a few hairs out of Jisungs face, adoring the way he would nuzzle into his touch and close his eyes slightly. It was a weird feeling that the pair had at the moment. They had only known each other for a few days, and the only interaction they had previously had been sexual, yet they both felt so comfortable and safe around each other.

Jisung was a much more dominant type whilst Minho was more submissive, but now it was the older taking care and protecting the younger instead of how it would be expected. Jisung didn't mind at all, he felt happy and cared for in Minho's gentle presence. There was a strange connection between the two; they were drawn to each other as if they were destined to be together, like soulmates.

They were both forced out of their thoughts when the door opened a crack and Chans head popped round.

"Hey mate, sorry to interrupt, Lix told me to drop off this bag with some of your stuff in it. I also grabbed some things for you Minho. I'll just leave it here and leave before a nurse comes and kicks me out. Cya, sleep well!" Chan placed the two bags by the door and was gone as quickly as he came.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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