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jisung stood up after waking up, stretching before sitting back down on the bed to organise his thoughts and wake up properly.

he exited the room, seeing minho in the kitchen like last night again.

“i wasn't serious when i said make me breakfast.” jisung commented, making minho stop in his tracks, turning his head around to face him, blinking.

“well, it's a bit too late to say that, currently.” minho mumbled, continuing as jisung walked beside him.

“what are you-”

“fried chicken.”

“no one's eating fried chicken for breakfast!” jisung exclaimed, confused as a frown formed on his face, “put that away.”

“that's mean to say. i eat fried chicken for breakfast.” minho uttered with a pout.

“no you don't. not anymore.” jisung declared, shaking his head as minho put the dish away, “did your brain leave you for a while?”

minho shrugged, giggling at that before receiving a sigh from jisung, who scolded him for being pretty mindless in the morning.

“then what do you want to make?” minho questioned as he looked in his fridge.

“i want to try miso soup again.” jisung hummed as minho shook his head.

“i don't have the ingredients for miso soup.” minho spoke, disappointing jisung slightly as he sighed at that.

“okay then steamed rice.” jisung nodded, walking in front of minho and taking all the necessary things out as minho chuckled, holding the fridge open for him.

“cut the vegetables because i don't trust you with the rice after what you've done.” jisung declared, eliciting a hum from minho, who took the vegetables from the other.


“okay, fine. i'll admit.” minho spoke up after a while, almost finishing off with the vegetables, “yes, i probably was a bit off in the morning because trust me, i do not eat fried chicken in the morning.”

“well, i'm glad about that. and if i'm in the place to forgive you, then i will.” jisung sighed with relief, feeling more at bay after knowing minho isn't manic, doing strange things.

minho hummed, chuckling airily and smiling, finishing off and washing his hands again to then look over at jisung, who stood next to the steaming rice as if he were a guardian for it.

“do you want an egg with it?” jisung inquired after looking down at his phone, putting it away and going straight into minho's fridge.

“yeah, sure.” minho murmured with approval, “okay! let me make it, then!” he exclaimed, smiling and taking out a pan, “do you want one?”

“no, i'll take one later.” jisung hummed, shaking his head as minho shrugged.


“that was sort of tiring…” minho whined quietly as he sat down after placing his breakfast down on the table, as well as jisung doing so for himself.

“it wasn't that bad.” jisung denied, laughing slightly at minho, who seemed to be overreacting.

minho mumbled something incoherent, probably making fun of jisung as he heard some blabbering with no meaning from him.

“you're too much already, and i'm meant to stay here for a long time…” jisung complained, standing up and going to the kitchen.

“what are you doing?” minho questioned, waiting for jisung to come back, which he did, with an egg, “aren't you going to have to fry that?”

“did you forget that eggs in japan are safer to eat raw..?” jisung tilted his head with a light scoff before continuing to do whatever he desired.


jisung shook his head with a laugh as minho ignored him, having enough of him slightly teasing and complaining about him for the whole day;

it's quite literally that like this, they already seem really close.

“what are we doing later?” jisung asked, looking at minho, who was playing with his rice and picking out the vegetables to sort them in colour.

“not sure. what do you feel like doing?” minho mumbled as he cleared his throat with a sigh.

“stroll around japan?” jisung suggested as minho nodded, accepting that idea before the both of them finally ate in peace.

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