Prologue- Murder for Hire

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You held your bloody shoulder tight, looking up into the moonlight at the trio of mafiosos that stood in front of you. Your expression was blank, void of any emotion. It was a cold autumn night, the hours were seeping into the early morning.

A light breeze blew the crackly leaves through the crisp night air. You were huddled on the cold concrete of the sidewalk in front of the Port Maffia HQ.

The redhead in front of you smirked, spitting out a lollipop stick.

"What do we have here? A little girlie's found herself in a dangerous situation."

"Now, now Chuuya~. It's not nice to intimidate our guests." The brunette who stood beside him retorted. "Besides, it's not like she made it inside."

The girl's e/c eyes were dull and almost lifeless. She looked like a doll.

"Who are you?" The redhead spoke up once more, after a long pause. The crisp, cool air tickling everyone's faces.

"My name is f/n l/n. I am 14 years old and have been living as an assassin for hire for over two years now."

Your words were ice cold and monotone. The group paused again for a moment to think.

"What do you think we should do with her?" Chuuya asked, crossing his arms. "She killed most of our guards."

Dazai paused for a moment before turning to his apprentice,

"What do you think, Akutagawa? She's cute isn't she?"

Akutagawa rolled his eyes.

"I don't concern myself with how pretty girls are." He spat, a pale pink tinting his cheeks.

Dazai shrugged, his arms in the air,

"I think we should keep her."

"She's not a dog, Dazai." Chuuya sneered.

"Fine, I guess you have no interest in an apprentice of your own." Dazai kneeled down to your seated height, and patted your head, "Guess I'll have two!" He cheered.

"Not a chance," Chuuya grabbed Dazai's coat collar and tugged, pulling him to the ground. "You have Aku." He returned.

Dazai audibly pouted as he sat up.

"You're no fun Chuuya." He whined.

"Don't be greedy." Chuuya raised his voice, chopping him on the head.

Chuuya placed a coat over your shivering figure and spoke in a gentler tone than you'd heard from him that night.

"What do you say kid? Would you wanna join us? We could use someone as powerful as you for our cause." Chuuya extended a hand for you to take.

You took a moment to think, eyeing each of the three teenagers in front of you. Your eyes caught the silver eyes of the youngest for a moment, just long enough for the pink on his cheeks to slightly deepen. You looked away quickly to the ground and paused.

After a moment of silence, you lifted your e/c eyes to meet Chuuya's glittering blue ones and reached for his hand.


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