Teach Her to Be Human

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"Train her how?" Dazai questioned as he turned back to his friend.

Oda's brows furrowed in thought for a moment.

"I want to teach her how to be happy."

Dazai's breath hitched for a second at the raw emotion in his friend's tone. Osamu Dazai was no fool, he noticed the similarities between you and Odasaku. And he knew Oda would realize it too.

"You want to teach her how to be human." Dazai spoke up.

Oda paused.

"She's so much like me. I want to be the person I never had for her. I don't want her to grow up hating herself for what she's done. I want her to be happy and act like a kid! That's what she is, Dazai, a child. Not a heartless killer."

Dazai's lips tugged at a smile.

"You want her to have what you never did." Dazai's voice lowered, "Your kindness has always astounded me, Odasaku."

With that Dazai turned on his heel and strayed back down the hallway.

"I'd imagine Chuuya took her to the training room. That idiot probably thinks she'll work through her problems by punching things." Dazai glanced over his shoulder, not slowing his pace, "You coming or what?" He snickered.

Oda walked quickly to catch up to his friend. The pair walked, gentle banter between them until they arrived at the training room. Dazai opened the door to his booked room.

Akutagawa was the only one to notice the two come in at first. When Dazai's uncovered eye met his, a ripple of tension jolted through his nerves. Dazai didn't say a word, he just pointed at the space between him and Oda. Akutagawa stood, silently walking over to the pair, taking his place between them. You wouldn't think it possible from how he carried himself, but when Dazai placed his hand on his shoulder, he tensed up even more than before.

"Watch her carefully, Akutagawa." Dazai whispered in his subordinate's ear menacingly.

Akutagawa watched your fluid movements as you dodged each of Chuuya's attacks. It was graceful, like you had it down to a science or like you were skating on ice, that is until you caught a glimpse of Odasaku, which caused you to slip up.

Akutagawa watched you fall wondering, "How does she command Dazai's respect? She fell! Why does he like her more? Why is she improving faster than me? What am I doing wrong?" His silver eyes reflected his insecurities as he watched Chuuya gently set you on the ground.

"Why?" His barely audible question earned him a side glance from Oda, who wondered what he'd said. His attention returned to the middle of the room when Dazai spoke up,

""I don't recall telling you you could use my trialing room Chuuya~" he  jokingly teased, earning an eye roll from Chuuya.

Oda noticed. You hadn't moved. He wasn't even sure if you were breathing. Every inch of your body was tense as you looked at the man whom you tried to take life from.

"Nice work, l/n!" Dazai called patting your shoulder as he guided you to the doorway. You stayed quiet, as if you were afraid to speak.

Oda watched as you walked. The only thing he could see was a numb, broken little girl as you approached.

Oda's gaze was soft as silk.

"She's just like I was. I can't change my past but I can support her and change her future. Maybe one day she can get out of here and live a happy life far away from the anguish of taking lives."

Oda's heart shattered when you spoke up,

"I'm sorry." Your voice cracked.

Oda closed his eyes and sighed, smiling slightly before kneeling to your height.

The words "Just like me." Rang through his head. He placed a hand on your shoulder and was taken aback by how tense you were. You were trembling.

Oda paused for a moment before gently cupping your face with his hand.

"I forgive you."

He knew that's what you worried most about. His suspicions were confirmed when you leaned into his touch.

Chuuya took Dazai's side. He spoke softly,

"She didn't want to kill him."

Dazai turned to Chuuya, confused.

"That's why she chose a gun over her ability. That's why she called out to him. She didn't want him to get hurt because she knew he was important to you."

Dazai's inaudible gasp broke Akutagawa's consecration on the scene before him.

"Look at her. I've never seen her cry, heck I've never seen any trace of emotion from her." Chuuya's voice raised only slightly as he talked with his hands.

Dazai's eyes traced back to you as Oda spoke to you. Your face was tearstained and red.

"She needs help, Dazai. It's like she needs to be taught how to be human and not just a killing machine." Chuuya rubbed his temple. He genuinely and deeply cared about you and he could tell that you were suffering. You were drowning but he couldn't teach you how to swim.

But Sakunosuke Oda could.

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