"You'll catch cold."

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Content warning ⚠️ implications of suicidal thoughts and actions

Days had passed by the time you awoke. Your room was colored by the most beautiful sunset you'd seen all your life. You turned your head to see Chuuya asleep with his head next to your leg. Akutagawa was reading a book in a chair in the corner of the room, and Dazai was restlessly leaning against the doorway. He was the first to notice you'd woken up. He didn't meet your eyes but he walked to wake his partner.

Chuuya rubbed his eyes before signaling Akutagawa to leave. You were confused as Dazai gently took your hands.

"I'm glad to see you awake f/n." His voice was shaky and quiet. "I have some bad news. I know you just woke up but keeping it from you wouldn't feel right." Dazai's voice wavered, a tear fell from his eye. You noticed that he no longer had a bandage over his right eye.

Chuuya patted Dazai's back as he stood to leave. He paused for a moment in the doorway, his eyes sad and dull but full of compassion.

Chuuya closed the door, leaving it cracked. He placed a hand on Akutagawa's shoulder as he passed him.

"I know you two don't always see eye to eye but I need you to promise me something." Chuuya's voice cracked, "You take care of her. Be there for her, not just as her partner, but as her friend." Chuuya stalked off, wiping a tear.

Akutagawa stood next to the cracked door, listening to what was happening. He was confused why his superiors seemed so devastated, Dazai especially.

You watched as tears rolled down Dazai's cheeks as he tried to compose himself. You didn't know what was wrong but your stomach churned with worry. You could tell something was very wrong.

"It's Odasaku." Dazai paused, meeting your eyes. His devastated, honey brown eyes broke your heart. "He fought with Gide just a few hours ago. He was killed in battle."

Your heart shattered. The world seemed to stop. You were suddenly acutely aware of your breathing, and how heavy your chest felt. It was hard to breathe.

"Mori told Mimic about the kids Oda had been caring for. They killed them all. He was so lost with them gone, and you in critical condition." He paused again, letting out a shaky breath. "He couldn't take it. He got so angry and-"

You felt your whole world shatter around you. The sunset was suddenly dull, color was like an afterthought. Your heart pounded in your ears.

"No way." You breathe. Your voice was barely audible. You pull away from the brunette, putting your hands over your ears as your breathing grows uncontrollable.

"No way!" You cry loudly. "You're lying..."

The all too familiar darkness once again crowded your vision. You were trembling.

Dazai pulled you into his arms. He held you tight. His touch was gentle and warm. You felt his tears fall into your hair.

"I'm so sorry..." he cried.

You covered your eyes with your hands and sobbed uncontrollably. You choked, gasping for air. Dazai held you tighter, one hand on your back and the other on your head. You leaned into his touch, hugging him very tightly, like you never wanted to let go.

You and Dazai sat in that quiet room together for hours. Until he stood and headed for the door. You were both exhausted and your head pounded from the anguish of your heart.he paused, his hand on the doorframe.

"His final words to you were, Be strong, and never let anyone tell you that you don't belong. Follow your heart and you'll never be led astray." He turned to you, one last time before walking out,

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