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"Sakunosuke, Oda," your emotionless voice called to the man who was sifting through a stack of paperwork in his hands. He looked up, a quizzical look on his face.

"I have been hired to take your life." you called, cocking the gun you had pointed at his forehead.


Chuuya pushed through the crowded halls of the Port Mafias Headquarters, to Dazai's office. He slammed the door open, stalking over to his desk. He pounded his fists on the table top, earning Dazai's full attention. His eyes widened in surprise as he put the game system he'd been playing on his desktop.

"Sakunosuke," is all Chuuya managed to choke out in his fury.

Dazai tilted his head, not quite following.

"Her target. The person she's been after the last two months she's been with us." Chuuya lifted his head, meeting Dazai's eyes.

Dazai launched up from his chair and threw his coat on, following Chuuya through the halls.

They pushed past the crowd that had gathered around the two of you, met with the scene of you with your loaded pistol to Oda's forehead.

Oda's shoulders tensed. He slowly put his paperwork down on a nearby coffee table behind him. He offered his hands, palms up in front of him to show he meant no harm.

"ODASAKU! DON'T BE STUPID!" Dazai called as he pushed his way to the front of the crowd.

Your eyes softened at Dazai's call, glancing around. The distraction he'd caused was enough for Oda to sneak close to you and gently take the gun from your now shaking hands as he knelt in front of you.

"Did I do something wrong?" a jolt of guilt hit your heart. Your face fell to the floor.

Oda took your small hands. He sighed, a look of sadness washing through his eyes as he realized just how young his attacker was. His thumbs gently rubbed the tops of your hands, his sadness growing as he realized how course the skin was from repeated calluses and cuts from welding countless weapons.

Your eyes flickered to meet Oda's kind gaze. Your breath hitched as you found yourself pulled into a tight hug. Your small body tensed before relaxing, tears filling your eyes.

The crowd had dissipated long before this, leaving Chuuya a clear path to your side. He crouched beside you, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.

"Please don't be mad at me," you lightly breath, bearly a whisper.

Chuuya sighed.

"I'm sorry for lying." Your eyes fell again to your feet, tears hitting the carpet underfoot.

Dazai joined, standing just behind the two others on the floor.

Silence filled the once crowded hallway. You sniffled at their quiet silence. The truth is, the Port Maffia was the only home you'd ever known. You felt like you'd broken the trust of the people that meant most to you.

"I'm so sorry." Your knees buckled, Oda catching you in another warm embrace. His touch was gentle and made you feel loved. You don't know how a man you'd never exchanged words with could make you feel that way, but he did. You could tell he was kind and had a soft spot for kids.

"Please say something."

Dazai took you from Oda's embrace, picking you up off the floor. You couldn't read his intentions. He was the one you worried about most. You knew Oda was his closest friend.

"I'm so sorry Dazai."

Dazai patted your head, a relieved smile on his lips. He closed his eyes.

"You're okay, kid." He said as his hand traced to your wet cheeks, wiping the tears from your eyes. He smiled again before walking back to his dear friend. The pair watched as Chuuya picked you up, holding you tight, and carrying you out of the room as he rubbed soothing circles on your back.

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