You're a Fool

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Trigger warning ⚠️: Death, corpse and usage of the word suicide. Though suicide is not a main topic in this chapter it is used as follows:

Way of use: "This was suicide, you were certain of it."

Stay safe! This chapter has a bit more of horror element!


When you came to you were hanging upside down from your waist, suspended from the ceiling. You were dazed, looking around in confusion.

Blood dripped from your head into a pool on the floor. The room was spinning and your nausea grew with your dizziness.

How long had you been bleeding? How long had you been stuck there?

You heard a far off voice calling your name. It sounded like whoever it was was approaching slowly. It wasn't until you felt a hand grab your wrist and pull you up that you realized it was Akutagawa.

His voice was clear now, no longer cloudy and sounding far off. He sounded worried. Really worried.


You walked down the back streets squinting in the small amount of sunlight left at dusk. It was nice to get some fresh air, even if it did smell of trash and rotting food.

As you walked you subconsciously grabbed onto Akutagawa's sleeve, he didn't seem to notice or if he had noticed he didn't mind.

It was something you used to do with Oda when you were nervous, and to be honest, deep down, Akutagawa thought it was adorable.

You looked around curiously as you walked, trying to distract yourself from the anxiety piling on your chest. You weren't usually one to show when you were nervous but your furrowed brow, crinkled nose, and deep frown gave it away.

To an outsider you'd just looked upset or angry, but the people who truly knew you could tell otherwise.

Your nose burned in the cold air. Winter hadn't been kind. Snow and ice covered the ground and rooftops making it difficult to move about and even harder to stay quiet when you moved.

You used your ability to cover your tracks and conceal your footsteps so you couldn't be followed. The air was still with the silence of a winter night. No one was building about, no one was walking on the streets or stopping at the shops. It was quite eerie, like everyone in Yokohama had disappeared, leaving you and your partner alone in the world.

It was like that every evening in the winter. Cold. Quiet. Still. The complete opposite of the summer when people stayed out till the morning partying and drinking, or attending festivals. Now the only people awake were street thugs and felons that stalked the back ways for fights or drug money.

You reached up and pressed the button on your collar to hear your coat. Chances are you're going to have to fight and you don't want your body to already be affected by the cold outside.

You stayed quiet, following Akutagawa deep into the outskirts of Yokohama. It wasn't long until you found yourself outside an old abandoned apartment complex.

The wood was rotting and splintered, leaving large holes in the walls. Dust and mold covered the exposed furniture of the visible rooms. Bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, all in disrepair. Occasionally a rat would run through the wreckage, searching desperately for some food.

It was obvious that the building as well as most of the neighboring buildings had been abandoned for a very long time. It was typical of what you'd expect on the outskirts of a large city. Leftover buildings and dump sites that had been forgotten as the city grew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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