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Oda had told you how he grew up. He told you that he was in the same situation and that he knew how grueling murder for hire was, especially at that age.

"I know it's hard especially when you're so young." He'd said.

You looked at him blankly.

"I have been killing for money since I was 12 years old. My first kill was at ten years of age."

Oda's blood ran cold. He felt a tight knot close around his heart. Your scars ran deep, he knew, but with each new piece of information he'd managed to get out of your flatline tone, hit him hard. You remember it well.

He'd helped you understand and express your emotions. He showed you what it felt like to have someone in your corner. You were loved and valued. You remember how he used to take you to play with the kids that he took care of.

You grew stronger as the months went on, both emotionally and physically as you continued your training with Chuuya.

Oda brought out the best in you, encouraging you as you grew. On the one year anniversary of your meeting, he took you to the port. The two of you sat in silence, watching the sun set over the water.

"I'm proud of you, f/n" he told you, patting your head.

You smiled brightly at the memory as you wrapped your hands for training. You and Akutagawa were now 15. The two of you had walked to the training room together, deciding on hand-to-hand.

"Are we going to train or are you going to keep standing there, grinning like an idiot." Akutagawa's tone was sharp and annoyed.

You rolled your eyes finishing up your wraps. Once the exercise commenced you began to realize that something was troubling Akutagawa. His movements were slower than usual and sloppy. You easily dodged his attacks, landing your own on him over and over.

Your worry was apparent on your face. Perhaps that's what caused him to get so angry.

Without warning, Akutagawa used his Rashomon, hitting your side. The cut wasn't very deep but it surprised you enough that you lost your footing. Akutagawa stood over you, his gaze sharp and cold.

"What's wrong with you?!" You winced. Akutagawa didn't respond. He turned and headed for the doorway, only stopping when you grabbed his wrist.

"Let go of me you pest." He sneered.

"You're not walking away from me Akutagawa. You're staying here and taking accountability for your actions."

Before you could breathe, he spun around, slapping your cheek. You angrily grabbed his arm again pulling him toward you.

"Hit me again." You dared him. Your cheek stinging and your eyes watered but your gaze didn't falter.

Akutagawa grumbled under his breath and tore his arm away from your grasp.

"I don't know what I did to make you hate me so deeply, but I am sorry." You raised your voice. "If you need to talk, just talk! Don't hit me or yell at me, just ask me to sit down with you and listen! Stop emotionally distancing yourself from the situation and bottling it up until it explodes like this! It's not healthy! I'm worried about you Akutagawa!"

When you received no answer, you gathered your stuff. You mumbled a "whatever" and left the room, leaving him with what you'd said and headed to find Oda.

You hadn't seen him much recently, since he was working a case that came straight from the boss. You didn't know much only that one of Dazai and Oda's friends had gone missing and they were looking for him.

Priceless- Ryunosuke Akutagawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now