Sorry Can't Fix Everything

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You had nightmares for weeks after that. It seemed like no matter how many times you washed your hands, it still felt like the blood was still on them.

You stared at them uncomfortably, feeling nauseous. You felt ashamed and embarrassed for causing such a scene. You felt bad for Akutagawa. You couldn't imagine the things people must be saying about him, with you being his partner and all.

You didn't cry, you just sat there uneasy as you filled the boss in on the details. The three of you were fully healed and only had minor cuts left.

After you'd collapsed, you'd suffered hypothermia and almost didn't pull through, giving everyone quite a scare.

Mori smirked.

"Well done, L/n. I'd expect nothing less of our... What have they named you? Oh yes, our little Ice Queen." Mori mused in a teasing tone.

You gripped the hem of your hoodie in discomfort. Images of the scene kept replaying in your mind constantly. It was like torture to sit there alone.

"From what I've heard, it was quite the scene," Mori circled you, "Well done my pet." He patted you on the head before returning to his seat.

Your discomfort grew. It was hard fro you to look him in the eyes. You knew he was smugly smirking at you with the knowledge that he had been right. All you were good for was killing. That was what you were made for. It's all you've ever known and all you've ever done.

"Maybe there isn't any hope for a person like me. Maybe... Oda was wrong." You stood briskly and spun on your heel, heading for the door. You felt a tug on your wrist and a hand slither around your waist.

"Now where are you going in such a hurry, hm? I hope I didn't offend you." Your blood ran cold. Mori's grip on you tightend as he let go of your wrist and grabbed your chin. He leaned in to whisper coldly, "Little Ice Queen." You trembled, the color leaving your face. Mori's eyes narrowed in delight, his smirk deepening at how scared you were.

You tried to pull away but his grasp became firmer, enough that you let out a yelp at the stinging pain in both your ribs and chin. You closed your eyes to steady your breath when he twirled a strand of your hair on his index finger.

You felt like your heart hammered in your chest and you grew nauseous. You shuddered in discomfort and yanked away from Mori, smacking him on the cheek.

"I am not your pet." Your voice shook slightly.

Mori's smiled grew sadistic he reached out and grabbed both of your wrists tight enough they bruised. You cried out as he pulled them behind your back, tying them in a tight knot.

"Soon you'll see that you are, f/n. And that is all you'll ever be." Mori smirked, "Gaurds, take her to the cellar. She attacked me and I don't tolerate disobedient children." Mori leaned in again whispering, "When you're ready to face the fact that you are nothing more than a killer under my orders, I'll let you out, but until then you can starve for all I care."

Mori shoved you to the floor where the guards yanked you up causing you to yelp in pain again, leading you through the halls of the PM headquarters.


Those halls have never felt so long. You kicked and screamed and fought the whole way through, calling out to anyone and everyone for help. Nobody came to your aid, at least until you passed Chuuya's office.

He was startled and annoyed by the commotion until he paused for a second. He realized that the screams in the hallway sounded familiar. His blood ran cold and he froze, stopping his paperwork.

"F/n." His words caught in his throat as he dashed out of the room and down the hall. The blood drained form his face seeing you being pulled down to the basement.

Chuuya ran after you, barley reaching you before you got to the basement doors.

"Let her go *******s!" He cried as he pulled you away from the men. You yelped at the sudden pressure you arm.

"We cannot, sir. We are acting on the bosses orders."

Chuuya's eyes widened.

"I don't give a ****, let her go." You pulled away from them and fell to the floor at Chuuya's feet, still in hysterics.

People around you were staring. You looked around you as you cried. Anxiety bubbled up inside you as you thought about the scene you were causing. People snickered a whispered as they passed, giving you judgmental stares, as if they knew what you'd done.

"We cannot let her go. The boss will have our heads!" the man on your right said.

"She attacked to boss. She must pay for stepping out of line."

Chuuya gritted his teeth as he watched you cry, but he knew that if it were true, there was nothing he could do.

"I-I didn't attack him, Chuuya! He touched me! You have to believe me... Please."

That was the first time you'd ever seen Chuuya Nakahara cry. A tear slipped down his cheek as he knelt to your height.

"I believe you, kid. I'm so sorry." He hugged you tight. "I'll get you out of there. I promise."

You felt nauseous, knowing that he couldn't help you. You were going to be chained to that basement alone and you didn't know for how long.


Chuuya stood in the hall outside the basement door, lost in thought. His face was scrunched in anger as he thought about how he couldn't've helped you. If he had, Mori would've done the same to him, the he really wouldn't have a way to save you. But at least then you wouldn't be alone.

Guilt crept up, getting stuck in his throat as he fought back tears. He'd let his guard down and realized that someone had snuck up on him. Turning, he found Akutagawa standing a few feet away.

"Where's my partner?" He demanded but was quite polite for a demand.

Chuuya pointed to the door to the basement and walked past, pausing and placing a hand on Akutagawa's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Was all he could manage, his voice breaking.

Akutagawa was taken aback by Chuuya's behavior.

Chuuya continued on, hands in his pocket, hat tipped over his face as he watched his feet the whole way down the hall.

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