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"How's Odasaku?" Dazai remembers you asking. Your mood had changed so quickly from joking around to serious and worried. "Is he hurt badly?"

Dazai's face fell on the man asleep in the hospital bed. He took a chair next to his bed.

"No, I'm sure he'll be fine." Dazai said with complete certainty, waving it off.

Sadness lingers in his gaze as he thought of what he'd told you. Oda hadn't regained consciousness and had been out since he was found poisoned last night. They couldn't be sure if he'd make it.

Dazai sighed, basking in the rays of the afternoon sun that streamed through the silent room. Their warmth touching his cheeks and bringing him a sense of peace. The only sound he could hear was the clock that quietly ticked away for hours.

Your mind was racing again as you followed your partner to prepare for your mission, coat in hand.

"How can I fix this?"

You picked at your fingertips nervously as you walked. "I heard Chuuya tell Akutagawa that I was similar to Dazai. Is that true? I don't want to hurt people the way he does."

You and your partner climbed into a car that would take you to the Art Museum. Your hands rested in your lap. Your fingers were intertwined and you squeezed your hands together tight. Akutagawa glanced at you out of curiosity.

"Hey, Akutagawa?" You quietly asked. "You love art museums don't you?"

Akutagawa stayed quiet for a moment, choosing his words carefully.

"Yes. I quite enjoy looking at art." That's all he said. Quick and straight to the point. You nodded, turning your attention to the passing buildings through the windows.

"Why does it concern you?" He asked. You couldn't read his tone to tell if he was annoyed or genuinely curious. You turned to him and shrugged.

"Just thought I remembered you saying so once." You said blandly.

He nodded curtly and the two of you stayed quiet for a while.

"You look tired." He commented.

"Didn't sleep much last night." You admitted.

"Listen, l/n. I don't want your sympathy. You weren't supposed to see any of that."

You scrunched up your nose in confusion.

"The day I need someone as weak as you to worry about me is the day I leave the Port Maffia." He said coldly as he climbed out of the car and closed the door. You sat there for a moment in surprise before getting out.

"Well sorry then." You spat. His words hurt you and you felt your cheeks warm up with irritation.
You slammed your car door. "I was just trying to-"

"What? Make me feel better? As if." He walked off. You narrowed your eyes.

"There you go again, picking a fight and running away."

He spun on his heel.

"I am not running away from you." He said harshly before turning back around.

"Coward." Your anger took hold of you, making it difficult not to say something you'd regret.

"Weakling." He shot back as he continued to walk. "Good for nothing."

"Useless." You yelled as you started following him.

"Insignificant little pest." Poison laced his words. You felt your control on your thoughts slip.

Priceless- Ryunosuke Akutagawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now