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Inspired by 2WEI's cover of "Toxic" by Britney Spears:

Content warnings: implied violence and intense violence/ murder : implied gore

"Baby, can't you see I'm calling?
A guy like you should wear a warning
It's dangerous, I'm falling"

Your grip on the microphone tightens, your knuckles turning white. A storm of memories tears through your mind. You remember all the little snippets of when you faded in and out of conciseness after the first encounter with Gide. You hear a snap as your anger and fear wash over you in a tidal wave.

"There's no escape, I can't wait
I need a hit, baby, give me it. You're dangerous, I'm loving it."

Your heartbeat pounds in your ears and then, the room just goes quiet. You're no longer able to hear your backing track or the clinging of drinks, the chatter of the other guests.
It's like the room was holding its breath. One final memory pulled ahead, one of Oda's smile.

You unstrapped a pistol from your leg discreetly, and raised it, pulling the trigger.
Gide dodged it of course and your backing track continues as the room fills with horrified screams and the commotion of couples running for their lives as the show girl pulls a gun on a random bystander in their eyes. Everything gets distorted and a chill runs through the room. The music seems colder and almost creepy as it continues.

You fire again, taking out one of Gide's men who had produced his own gun.
After the room had cleared of most innocents you used your ability to seal the room off with ice. You tap the stage with the toes of your shoe and the floor turns to ice. The ice slowly creeps up the walls, sealing the doors. Crystals hang in the air, glittering beautifully.

"With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride You're toxic, I'm slippin' under," your eyes glow an icy blue and your hair begins to float, undoing itself. "With a taste of a poison paradise I'm addicted to you Don't you know that you're toxic?"

The temperature of the room drops significantly. You're now able to see your breath but are blinded by anger. Your mind spirals as you lose all control.

You fire at Gide again as a distraction before conjuring up a brigade of daggers, taking out the rest of Gide's men, and some of the unlucky bystanders that hadn't escaped.

You were so angry, it was maddening. Suddenly nothing else mattered to you, nothing except killing the man who'd taken Odasaku away from you. You didn't know how he was alive or why but you were going to end it. Oda's death will not be in vain.

Chuuya and Akutagawa were pinned by flying debris as you lashed out of Gide. Ice was everywhere. The sight was honestly terrifying.
You threw everything that you had a Gide, eventually pinning him between two walls of spiked ice.

"Too high, can't come down It's in the air and it's all around."

Your face was manic. Your hands trembled as you approached him.

"do you feel me now?"

Frost began to cover your skin as you'd pushed yourself too hard. You were past your limit. But still with a sadist smile and your head tilted to the side, blood splattered on your face and hands, you slowly stalked toward Gide.

"Y/n! Listen to me! Don't do this!" Chuuya yelled, pulling bystanders out of the rubble.

You couldn't hear him, you couldn't see him, all you saw was the man who murdered your... father.

Chuuya and Akutagawa tackled you, pulling you away from Gide just in time. You turned on them, no longer capable of reason. You attracted relentlessly and manically, like a caged animal who was unable to see.

Chuuya and Akutagawa fired off attack after attack at you, trying to reason with you the whole time, but you were lost.

Something inside you broke that day, and the result was devastating. The room was a bloodbath. Chuuya had managed to get the doors unsealed so all of the rest of the innocent people made it out, but all of Gide's men had been wiped out.

Your dress was tattered and covered beautifully with beads of ice, your hair had fallen around your shoulders, frost covered your face and arms and blood was all over you. Some yours some not.

"With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride"

You wiped blood off the corner of your mouth and smirked, your eyes still cold and icy blue. You sent out a huge blast of icy air, keeping Akutagawa and Chuuya at bay.

"You're toxic, taste of a poison paradise
I'm addicted to you."

The wind picked up, flailing your hair everywhere as you approached Gide again. His leg had obviously been broken by debris and he'd tried to crawl away, unsuccessfully.

"Don't you know that you're toxic?" You screamed, sending out a blast of ice, all the crystals in the air plummeting to the ground as the wind spiraled violently to a stop.

You panted and fell to your knees, sobbing hysterically. You hugged yourself as you stared wide-eyed at what you had done, what you'd caused. Innocent people had died that night and it was your fault.

You shivered, frozen in place. Your fear and shock paralyzed you as your eyes ran from person to person, body to body.

You held your breath and shut your eyes tight, hugging yourself so tight you left red marks on your arms from your hands. You rocked like a child, rolled in a ball as you screamed in horror.

While you'd had your fair share of body counts, but this was devastating and horrifying.

You felt your chest tighten and your breath quickened. Your throat felt raw from screaming.

What had you done?

You looked around for Chuuya and Akutagawa. They ran toward you, or rather, Akutagawa limped. His leg still hadn't healed all the way and it had been sliced open once again.

The fear on your face sent shivers down Akutagawa's spine as he approached.

"I'm so sorry." Is all you managed, your voice inaudible, before you collapsed.

From that day forward you were known as the Port Maffia's Ice Queen.

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