Bonus Chapter

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Info: Y/N is teaching Zu sign language in the van so she can communicate with others a little bit. Greens mostly because they know everything or anyone who knows sign.

As we're driving to find a place to sleep I look at Zu, remembering how she communicates through pointing which could be difficult to get points across in certain conversations. I wave my hand in front of Charles's face to get his attention. He looks at me confused.

"Y/N, do you need something?" I nod my head and sign to him asking, 'Can I teach Zu sign language?' His eyes widen and turn green for a split second before smirking. "That's a really good idea, it'll be easier for her to communicate." I nod my head. "Teach her the basics and as we keep going we'll teach her more advance signing," I give him a thumbs up and I stand up and walk to Zu and sit down across from her and I see Charles walk next to me.

"She's going to teach you to sign Zu, to make it easier for all of us to understand you. Especially me." Zu smiles and looks at me as I give her a small smirk. I sign 'Thank you' and she copies.

"That means 'Thank you'" Charles explains for me. I smile and then I sign 'Tired,' bringing two hands towards the top of my chest and running them down. She copies them and Charles continues to translate. I smile and we keep doing this until we get to the abandoned mall. She eventually picks up all the basics with practice and can sign the basic needs like water, food, tired, happy, help and etc. I smile at the fact that I made things easier for her and everyone else who comes in contact with her. She signs 'thank you' to me and wraps her arms around me as I quickly hug her back. We stay like this for a few moments and she lets me go and walks towards the back of the van with her backpack packing stuff in as we grow closer to an abandoned building that looks like a mall. 

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