A final goodbye

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"You will be sentenced to death for your crimes done at space. And the property damage you have caused all around."

Komander Koko Ci stated, he's never the type of alien to punish criminals by killing them, however it is on the rule. He cannot differ on this as he will get his head chopped off, and so is his comrades that worked with him. He agreed to the position as commander to protect power sphere's but to also protect his workers. He cannot risk their lives taken away due to him.

The emperor claimed that the terrorist should be punished by the clutches of death.

"Any last request you would like to have?"

Although the Emperor did allow that the criminal can have a last wish. However it is optional as to either you request something or will die in front of aliens they made to suffer.

Retak'ka looked at the small green alien in front of him. He knows the rule, and he knows that he will only have a limited time for whatever he wished to request.

His gaze wandered around before setting at the orange dino capped hero. Said person visibly stiffened as the villain laid eyes on him.

He opened his mouth to probably say something but Retak'ka cut him from saying anything, "I would like to meet your elementals. Especially your light element."

Boboiboy's eyes widen, and so is his counterparts inside the watch. Solar watched at the Holographic screen, glaring Intendedly at his former user. Yet his eyes screamed acceptance and the warm hug of his former master. His former father.

Duri, who was near Solar scooted closer to him and held his hand, gripping it tight but gentle to give him a form of comfort. This was answered by a grip coming from the light element.

Boboiboy looked at the pale blue eyes of the tall alien, wary evident on the boys figure as Retak'ka looked back. Although it did not hold menace. It however, holds the hint of silent begging. A glint in his eyes that reminds Boboiboy how a parent would beg to have their child back to safety.

He understood, after all. The aloof light element did once tell him that Retak'ka was a father figure to him.

"Will you agree on the request of him?"

"Yes sir." He agreed, nodding as the eyes of the criminal seemed to shine a little at the agreement.

Koko Ci nodded, he raised his right hand in a gesture to remove the tight ropes that wrapped the alien. Retak'ka was released from his rope prison, however. He did not move in a way that'll alert them of attempted escape. No, he just wants to apologize at the elementals.

Especially the element he raised like a son.

"Boboiboy Kuasa elemental! "

There stood seven counterparts while the original stand behind them. All glaring at Retak'ka. His eyes immediately caught sight of the grey and golden attired Element. He looked at those silver eyes covered by his yellow visors. Pale blue and Diamond orbs staring at each other.

Solar felt a shiver run down his spine. He never thought he'd come face to face with the alien again after the fight. Yet, here he is wanting to get closer to his master and just cry on his shoulder.

For the pain he had caused, the trauma, the torture, the nightmares.

He stayed there, however Retak'ka is not wasting anymore time, he walked towards the stiff light element. Ignoring how the other elementals readied there weapon, even as going as far as the green element holds the hand of the child he raised.

He inwardly smile, knowing his child wouldn't be much affected with his death.

When he was closer enough to him, he crouched down to his level. Duri was about to step up when the action Retak'ka did next shock them.

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