A not so busy (but sick) day

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Cahaya is pissed. He is very pissed.

He was completely fine yesterday! (He's going to ignore how he run from school to home in a middle of a thundering storm instead of asking for his brothers to pick him up. In his defense, his phone died the moment be was about to call them to come and pick him up) and now he's sick with a temperature of 43.9°. And he just have to fall sick at a time where he is loaded with homeworks to do.

"Tanah... Pleaseeeee- let me go to school..-" who is in their right mind to ask to go to school with that kinda temperature. Couldn't be him.

He did not whine when he begged his third eldest, he did not wince when his head started to throbe, nope. He didnt.

Tanah gently stroke his messy hair, ignoring his complains and weak attempt of pulling it away, "Cahaya.. You and I both know you can't, you're sick."

"But Tanah.. I have an important meeting to do, I still have homework and it's due tommorow.. Tanah-"

"Cahaya, your health is what matters. This is the second time this month." The youngest huffed, curse him for having six (over) protective brothers, curse him for being the youngest, "I'm fine Tanah- I can handle myself just fine."

The reaction he got pissed him more, Tanah shook his head, answer remaining a firm "No", not wanting to accept that, he turned around, back facing the earth manipulator, burrying his burning face to his pillow, grumpily covering his body with the fluffy blanket he got from Tanah.

Although the grumpiness disappeared when  Tanah ruffled his hair, his shoulders relaxing at the action, "Sorry 'Haya, but you know what my answer will be. Petir will watch over you okay?"

"Why the tsundere?" He heard a snicker and a groan behind him, "Angin and Api are both at the soccer practice, Daun is busy doing his project with Air. So the remaining not-busy-sibling here is me. Now you shut your mouth if you don't want me to electrocute you."

"Petir what have I told you about threatening people?" He snorted, another reason why some people mistaken Tanah as the eldest.

"Eh Cahaya is not any different from those jerks."

"Mean.." He said through his sleepiness, his consciousness fading in and out of reality and to a dreamless sleep when he feels his head being patted again, and no, he did NOT lean into the touch. No he did not.

Their conversation was getting muffled each passing second, other than that. He have his suspicions on who's patting him. Tsk, that stupid tsundere Pikachu jerk. He will kick that guy's ass for being such a tsundere. But of course, he'll do that once he's fully recovered. For now, his bed feels comfy.

A little nap doesn't hurt.


That little nap hurt. Earlier he woke up screaming because of some damn nightmare, his mind stuck in a panic haze not until Petir managed to calm him down. Now only small sniffles were heard from the youngest as the eldest comforts him. A long silence settled at the room, it wasn't tense or bad, it was somewhat comforting. Even if in occasion that the silence was disturbed by sniffles and soft sobs everytime he'd close his eyes.

All he wants is just to rest but his nightmares said no and decided to do "hey I'm messing your sleep schedule with trauma!" Kinda thing.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head, closing his eyes when a headache made it's way. "Alright."

The light user snuggled closer to his older brother, not caring if said brother will tease him about this. He doesn't want anything else, the only thing he wants is to be near the silent comfort Petir gave him. That's all he needs, Petir on the other hand tightened the hug between them.

Cahaya may be sometimes an annoying jerk who does stupid decisions from time to time, but he's still his brother, his youngest.

Call him a tsundere but he will make the people who threatened to hurt his little brother a living hell. No one hurts their little lamp.

RAH- I need MORE fluff between this two, PLATONICALLY and not ROMANTICALLY-

Anyways, happened to me lol. Except my temperature was somewhere around 39. Like, I literally got sick at a time where the next day is where I go to school, and finish the project our TLE teach gave us.

And bro, I literally cursed the whole entire night. Like- that project was due the next week, and if I get sick, I won't have enough time to finish it-

Anyways, that was like- months ago-? Yeah prolly. Funny and annoying experience I had. Except I rarely have nightmares, unlike cahaya here who has nightmare issues-

My uhh, college au. Their like- 20-21 here.

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