New Year special

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"We've been through thick and thin.. Faced the worst villains of all yet.. We're still here."

"Ish why so formal ..-?"

"And emotional.. Huhu!"

Gopal cried in tears and his friends could all look at him weirdly, but no doubt. This is another successful year for them. With boboiboy unlocking his third tiers and having his fusions, with them all being close than ever.

Who knew five such small simple kids turned into five grown teenager who had faced a lot of challenges in life.

And I'm still standing after all this time,

"Ish, whatever. We still have each other's promises right?" Fang looked at his friends one by one who all nodded in agreement.

"Right! And whatever happens, we'll always fight side by side!" Ying throws her fist in the air smiled, "why so gloomy!? This is the last day of 2023 and throughout all the years we've been successful! Let's enjoy it til the very last!"

"Ying's right. We still have a next year. And next year starts this 12 am. Come on!"

I'm picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

"Ah, it feels great to be back at earth! All those missions tire me!"

"Aren't you always tired Gopal?"

"Ish, shut up! Ho~ food!"

The chubby boy ran toward the sets of all foods prepared for them by boboiboy's grand father and gleefully took piece by piece.

His friends laughed at him, "it sure is good to be back."

"Guys, you wanna start the countdown?"


I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah

"Clocks all set, ya ready?" Yaya smiled at them, "ready!"

I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah

"Three!" One by one, everyone gathered on the willow tree, and watched as the people of rintis island prepared.

"Two!" One by one fireworks was settled, but it will never compare to the grand surprise of the team komotaim gang has.


Explosions of fireworks lit up the whole entire area, it feels like the city of lights. The people cheered and danced all tho right out the entire midnight. Happiness and peace felt alas.

Yet it doesn't mean it would last.

"But let's enjoy it til it last.. Kay?" Fang assured Their dino cap friend,

"Okay!" The shadow user put out his fist, the action was soon followed by Ying then to Yaya and Gopal. Boboiboy smiled.

" Team Kokotaim Go!! "


Ahahaha.. Even though the chappie is all happy and all, I can't even feel the new year vibe, you can say I'm not entirely.. Happy.

Problems keeps happening hahaha.. Wanted to celebrate new year at the subdivision where we live at since I can celebrate it with my friends but we're on vacation at dad's place.. I wanna go home so freaking bad😭

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