Poem of the sun and flower

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Roses bloomed red for the dead,
Your flowers remained unkept. What
Once was ten now a hundred and ten,
Cursed to live forever,

Never to live a happy ever after.
Your garden of beauties remained
Untouched as you weep for those
You've lost.

Silver eyes, emerald orbs, an opposite
Colour of those of sorrow, each
Have a burden to carry on their

Our stories remained untold,
The story of the sun being
Embraced by it's flower, but
One day it will soon  unfold.

So if you're reading this,
my dear flower, I'll always be
There for you forever and ever,
Even if I don't remember.

The sun awaits your presence at the garden you once called ours, I will wait for you to come, then you can tell me all the things you've done.

With a Boquet of daisies and sunflowers,
As you recite the stories of
Our childhood days, something I have forgotten until today.

Stuck in this forever dark abyss, I am
sorry for leaving you behind with all those crucial lies. I will soon forget everything else, but don't ever forget your own self.

Signed, your brother, the one you once called Sunflower.

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