BoBoiBoy In a Nutshell

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Solar: if you we're to choose from between, which one?
Hali: I choose violence and solve life with violence.
Solar: dude no-


Fang: if you're so smart, then why do you do stupid decisions?
Solar: listen here you piece of shet-


Hali: if you're Satriantar's grand daughter.. Why do you act so menacing-?
Kira'na: ... You want to be turned into a sword again?


Gopal: which one? Peace or-
Gentar: violence


Hali: you are a menace
Taufan: I am not
Hali: says the one who likes Yaya's biscuits.
Taufan: I-


Yaya: Violence is not the answer
Fang: it is the solution
Yaya: ...


Boi: I wonder, if you're like- idk, powerful? Then why did I manage to beat you up into a pulp?
Retak'ka: .... MONSTA I would like to file a case against this child-


(How I imagine Qually meeting Maskmana)
Maskmana: KokoCi you didn't tell me you had a child-
KokoCi: he's not my child for fuck's sakes-


Boi: okay, who's the most stubborn member of all?
Everyone: *points at him*
Boi: ... Okay. DAD YOU FUCKING-


(How I imagine Fang insulting boboiboy)
Fang: you didn't told me that you had a dad
Boi: you didn't told me that you're parentless
Fang: i-


Retak'ka: who's child is this?
Hang Ka sa: yours
Retak'ka: this piece of shit ain't my child.
Solar: you fucking-


Hali: *got turned into a sword*
Solar: *laughs*

Solar: *falls down in a T-pose*
Hali: *double laugh*

Result: them fighting for a day or two.


Sir Monsta: I shall make retak'ka bad.
Fans: *proceeds to make father retak'ka aus*
Also Fans: *still makes him ugly*
Retak'ka: *offended noises*


Elementals having nice and kind owners:
*happy, no harm done*

Solar and Retak'ka:



Solar: *goes to his dad to make him suffer again than staying in a room full of idiots*
Also Solar: *complains about his trauma with Retak'ka*
Retak'ka: you asked for it 💀


Gempa: I am not a mother.
Also Gempa:
*takes care of his siblings*
*does laundry*
Hang Kasa: sure.


Fang: *wins in an uno card game*
Fang: MF!
Fang: hah, jokes on you. MY FATHERED DEAD-!


Fang: dude's hot.
Boi:.. *bombastic side eye*
Fang:..... In other terms, on literal f i r e, tf is on your mind bro-


Gopal: do you feel Bonita?
Boi: ... Yes, I feel Bonita..
Fang: good, cause you look Bonita!


Boi: I murdered your entire family.
Fang: ... But I live alone-
Boi: .. Hah? Then who's this people at your house???
Fang: there's people in my house?
Boi: well NoT anYmOrE, dUmb BitCh


Boi: are you a pickaxe:D?
Boi: cause I want to make you mine-
Boi: I know *cries pitifully in the corner*


Monsta: *making Fang and Boi Rivals*
Also Monsta: *regret*
Fang: it was at this moment, he knew..
Boi: he fucked up-


TAPOPS station being attacked 24/7.
Meanwhile TEMPUR-A;
*completely unharmed *


Commander KokoCi stating planets are abandoned.
The Gang:
*went to five stages of grief.
Trauma, PTSD, anxiety-*
Also The Gang: yeah, definetly abandoned.


Have some classic Nutshell👏👏

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