The sun always shines after a dark time

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Requested by : deluluforever
Takes place after the Retak'ka incident, my au.

A family cares, and a family loves. However, sometimes, you just can't help but feel they don't get the trauma you've been through.

Solar is the seventh twin and the youngest, you can say he has six overprotective brothers and he doesn't mind. After all, everyone knows him as the light, the sun.

His brothers would do anything to make him have that beautiful smile of his.

But with the pressure he's feeling, the trauma, the nightmares that bothered him every night, the sick torture the enemy will do to him, the blames of the souls he had witnessed getting killed. The fear of people looking at him as if he was the villain.

He knows the risk of joining TAPOPS, but he never thought it would end up like this for him.

All the pain, he just wants to end this. He may be smart, the genius, yet even a genius could he overwhelmed with such strength and power the enemy is after.

He never thought he would stand on the edge of the cliff and end his pettiful journey. He never thought he would end up like this, that he would be the one taking the light away.

He never thought he would write a note and leave at the break of dawn only to kill himself.

He never thought this'll be the last morning he see's the beautiful sun rising.

Deep down, he can feel the sun telling him something, Deep down he can feel the last hints night sky telling him something, deep down. Each of the stars in the night sky that slowly fades with the rays of the sun, tells him a story he wouldn't hear after all this.

He never imagined a scenery where all six brothers behind him would beg, even the eldest begged him to step out of the edge.

He just doesn't get it. He's the killer, he's the murderer, he's the real villain of the story so why?

Why do they desperately want him back?

Why do they care? Why do they care for someone like him? FOR A KILLER LIKE HIM!?!?

"Solar.. Step out of the edge please.. "

The eldest pleaded.

"Sunny.. Didn't you promised me.. Us, that we'll stick together til the end..?"

His flower asked.

"Ray.. Please.. We still need our sun! "

The wind exclaimed, that nickname.. He hadn't Been called that for a while. "Why..?" He looked behind him, dull and lifeless diamond orbs looked into glossy ones.

"Why are you doing this for me..? Aren't I a killer? Aren't I supposed to be dead because of a crime I had committed?? I'm tired.. I want to rest.. I wanna leave.."

"Go, leave us." The water elemental brother of his said, "but don't blame us if we followed you even in death."

"You don't know when to let me go do you..?"

"You don't know how to take a rest but never quit, do you? You said that to me."
The fifth twin countered. "You said to me, that if ever I feel tired I'd take a rest.. But to never quit, right? So why are you the one quitting?"

"I'm tired.."

"So are we, but Solar, we are a family, sometimes things can be tough, sometimes we fall down, Yet we always rise up." Icy blue eyes stared at those lifeless orbs. "There's a reason why boats sink, do you know what that is..?"

" . . . They sink because of the water that gets in them.. But now the water that surrounds them.."

"Yes, Solar.. Don't let whatever your nightmares, the souls, the people that says to you, get in you. There's a reason why we call you our light, and without that light.. We're nothing. You're the one who connects us, the one who formed the bridges between us. And were not letting you so please. Don't let us go.."

With that word, he took a step back and another. Tears falling down form his eyes nonstop as he broke down in front of his brothers, he's supposed to be the strongest yet, "I'm so weak.." He said between through sobs. His brother, his family, doesn't care. All they want is to have their brother with them.

As he felt being wrapped up in a tight hug, get cried more.

"Even the strongest can be weak sometimes, but that doesn't mean it lessens the times you had been tough.. For us."

Gempa, who was the one holding him caressed his hair, Solar cried and cried until eventually, all the pain was gone.

He only feels driffting out off reality with his brothers assuring him to sleep, the last thing he remembers before dozing off is the last star on the night sky, glinting on him as if to say ;

“ The sun always rise after the dark times . . . ”

Sorry for the late post, been busy lately. But here's the request! The nickname "ray" or the full nickname "little ray" is inspired by a boboiboy Oneshots that msolty focuses on solar on Ao3. So credits to  the original owner!

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