Sensitive Eyes

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If there's one thing Solar hates about his user's planet, is that it's so damn bright. How ironic for him to say that when he's the literal light elemental himself. He really loves the planet, earth was seriously so beautiful and lively, with a lot of beauty coming from nature. (Duri was always excited to visit earth after a mission) but if there's one complain, it is so damn bright.

He means it, he's fine with the manmade light at average light. The average sunlight that seeps through the cracks of the curtains but if it's to much? No, he will die right there and then.

Logical explanation, there's a sun in every planet, I mean how else would the aliens deemed it as morning without the sun shinning to bright at your face you'd be annoyed because of it ("that's rich coming from you oh so popular lightbulb").

However, his complains went unnotice as he have his lifesaver and amazing golden visors to help him manage through daylight.

The very same visors that he woke up not having it by his side. Oh how he loves to scream at every gods up there who dares to put him in such situations.

Finding his visors can't be that bad. After all, what could go wrong with a little search for his visors? EVERYTHING!

Oh stupid, stupid, stupid past him for even losing it in the first place! How is he going to explain it to his brothe- friends at why he's wearing literal shades inside the damn house!?

"Anyone of you saw my visors?" He's going to laugh and process Blaze's reaction later once he found it (the unholy screech the boy did, muttering bloody murder at him for surprising him).

"What the hell- why are you wearing shades- wait no, scratch that, why the hell did you even scare me!?"

"It was unintentional?"

"Unintentional my ass-"

"So.. Mind answering the hothead's question?" Red ruby eyes pierced through his soul, he winced. Oh boy he hopes someone will save him from this..

"My eyes are.. Sensitive..? To the light?" It took a moment for them to process the answer before choking on their own saliva (most likely to be Blaze), "you? The literal lightbulb who think he's more popular than Hali-?"

"-which I am."

"-is sensitive? To the light?" He nodded, "you little SHI- WHY DIDN'T YOU TOLD ANY OF US???"

His lips pursed into a thin line as he stared at his brother, his face looking like he wants to be anywhere but here. "Cause uhh.. I don't want too?"

"Ugh. Of course you don't want to, you and your stubborn egoistic prideful annoying-" he turned his attention else where, his eyes landing at his user, who seemed to be listening at their convo. He also noticed how the rest of the elementals are looking at them, the familiar look of disbelief and concern sent his way. Stupid Blaze for dragging their attention by screaming.

He sighed, reluctanly went to sit at the comfy sofa, removing the shades and just, well. Shut his eyes. As much as hs scared of the dark, he is not going to risk having his eyes blinded by to much lighting. Who knows what consequences will be if he did.

He did hear a few shuffling sounds, with a thin metal being scratched by something, he could careless. All he wants is to find his damn visors.

He felt a gentle ruffle at his hair, he didn't swat the hand away (whoever hand's it is), "you can open your eyes now, we closed the curtains." Just from his tone of voice, he could tell there's a smile at Boboiboy's face. Damnit, he's to kind for his own good.

He swore he could hear fondness at his voice too. But nevertheless, he felt his cheeks slightly flush with embarrassment at how he bothered to even do such thing.

"I-.. Thanks.." Opening his eyes, silver meets Hazel Brown. "You.. Didn't have to do that." Immediately cutting the eye contact, his eyes landed at the cold unforgiving floor who has no use but being a solid support of decoration just for attention and cleaning and- Why is he so mean to the floor? He has no idea.

"Nah~ besides, can't have my youngest to get all sad by losing his visors, we can ask Itembot to make you a new one! You can also add some techs to if you want." He is going to ignore how he felt needy at the mention of youngest. What are you talking about? Psshh, you must be thinking things.

"Wai- really?"

"Of course. Besides, I think it would also be an opportunity for us to have a little bonding, even if the bonding area is TAPOPS-U." Boboiboy smiled at him, he can't help but smiled back.

"Thank you.."

"Pfft, ish somewone embarrassed??" He tsked at Blaze who snickered in return, although his smile was still unwavering. He's happy, and that's all his small found family could ask for. If you consider it as small with having eight family members including a floating ball and a kind supportive elderly.

Short but meh, have some wholesomenes, enjoy it while it still la-

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