Tea Parties And Ghost

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Happy Holidays and New Year! Making a ask blog for this fic. Stay tune for that!

Special thanks for Broken-Synchronicity for beta-reader


The group gathered around the table in Liberty with books and maps on the table. Scott's brow furrowed in confusion at all this, "None of this is making sense!" Scott exclaimed looking at the map, "I don't know any of these these landmarks. Are you sure there's isn't anything more?" He asked Crowley. Crowley was just as stunned as they asked where the USA and the Atlantic Ocean were.

"Not only is your homeland not listed on any map from any point in history," Crowley said, as he looked over at history books. He narrowed his eyes at them, "Now, are you QUITE sure that you come from such a place? That wasn't some sort of lie or jape?"

Susie waved her hands, "It's the truth!" She exclaimed, "Why would you lie about this? We just want to go home." She told him.

Crowley crosses his arms in thought, "Because if so, the only explanation is that you've come from another planet. Or perhaps you were summoned here from another dimension?" He tilted his head in thought. Scott looks at him shocked.

"Isn't that a bit out there?" He asked. Oliver looks at the book titled 'Fae Stories and Histories'.

"I don't know man. I've never heard of anything fae, beastman, or magic. Plus the maps and history here are so different from us." He pointed out.

"Funny enough we have the same animals but a giraffe." Haelth comment.

"That's after the 'Giraffe War' the beastman sent them to another world," Crowley explained to her.

"Sounds fake but ok." Melody deadpan.

"Show me everything that you brought here with you. Do you have some form of identification, a driver's license perhaps?" Crowley asked them. The five of them shook their head.

"We tried to look for phones and wallets when first woke up." Susie explained to Crowley, Oliver, and Scott nodded, "But not one of us had that on us." Haelth looked at her backpack and dumped everything on there. Her notebook, homework, and the book that she stole from Karaguri. She flinched as the rest of the group locked eyes with the book.

"Is that boss's book?" Melody pointed at the book. Scott's eyes flicked to book to Haelth.

"Yes..." Haelth said slowly, "Mapa let us borrow it for campaigns." She lied and Melody shrugged their shoulders.

"Sounds good."

Susie's eyes brighten, "I'm glad Karaguri said yes. Those ideas of theirs are so cool!" Haelth locks eyes with Scott. So far so good. Everyone seems to think Karaguri gives their book willingly. But then she saw out of the corner of her eye Oliver looking skeptical at them. Scott also noticed but tried to act like he didn't notice. Haelth also tried to act nonchalant too. Oliver gazes at them for a bit longer and smiles.

"Well, I'm glad you got that book too." He said. Crowley looks at the cover of the makeshift book and holds his hand out.

"May I take a look?" He asked her.

"Umm...sure," Haelth hand him the book. Crowley opened the first page and scanned it. Then another and another, doing so as his eyebrow went higher and higher.

"Did you find something?" Oliver asked him. Crowley closes the book.

"Where did you get this from?" He asked, pointing at the book.

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