Your Head Explode!

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First Overblot fight let go!

Keep in mind at the end for a special announcement.

Special thanks to broken_synchronicity for beta-reader this chapter.

Screams echo in the tunnels, followed by lights from magic spells. Scott, Susie, and Melody hide behind a rock as Ace, Deuce, and Grim fight for their lives.

"Begone! Begone! Begooone!" The monster roars at the trio. It swings its pickaxe at them, breaking the cauldron that Deuce throws at it. Its scattered pieces almost hit Ace and Grim. Luckily they got out of the way in time.

"Hey watch it!" Grim growled at Deuce.

Deuce flinched, "Sorry!" He apologizes. A shadow loomed over him. Deuce gulped, looked up, and saw the monster raise its weapon at him.

"Bwaaah!" Deuce shouted and ran away as the monster almost crushed him with its pickaxe.

"Aw, crap! He's got Loosey-Deucey on the ropes!" Ace shouted alarmingly, then pointed his pen at the monster, "Not on my watch! Heeyah!" His pen glows green and the wind kicks up toward the beast. It hit the monster, making its clothes ripped up, but it pushed through the sharp wind, much to Ace's shock. The beast swung its pickaxe at the student. Ace luckily fell back, landing on his butt.

"Ooof!" Ace grumbled as he landed next to Susie's group. Melody quickly grabs Ace, dragging him away before the monster gets him. "Hey!" Ace shouted, only for Melody to cover his mouth.

"I can throw you to the monster if you want," She narrowed her eyes, Ace sweated a bit, "Or you can shut up and let me carry you safely." She hissed at him.

Ace huffed, "Fine!" He said as Melody carried him behind the rock.

"You're such a bitch." He mumbled as he rested behind the rock.

Melody turned to him with such a glare that he swore her eyes were glowing red.

"What did you say?!" She growled.

"I have an itch!" He answers quickly.

"Myaaah! Stay away from me!" Grim cried as the monster chased him. The monster let out a big growl and Grim threw a fireball at it. Only for the monster to bat it away, bringing its pickaxe down on Grim. He luckily leaped away and climbed onto Susie's shoulder. "It's like nothin's even hurtin' it!" Grim shouted, clinging to Susie for dear life. Susie shakes in fear so much she doesn't even notice that Grim's claws stab her shoulder.

"We need to escape," Susie mumbled, slowly backing away. Oliver is about to agree with her but he spots something shiny behind the monster.

"Did you just see that sparkle?" Olive exclaimed, pointing behind the monster. Ace followed his hand and saw a shiny stone.

He immediately got up almost knocking Melody off her feet as he did.

"Behind the monster! Something is sparkling in the mineshaft!" Ace pointed out.

"Hey, I just said that," Oliver told him, then he ignored Ace.

Deuce gives narrow eyes, "Yeah I noticed when Oliver pointed that out," Oliver smiles but in his mind cheers as Deuce acknowledges him, "I think it's a magestone!"

The Monster noticed this and floated over in front of the shiny thing, standing protectively of the stone.

"GWAAAAAAAH! Nooo giiive yooouuu stooooooone!" The monster growled as it rushed at them, slamming its pickaxe down to where Deuce was but luckily he moved out of the way.

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