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I wake up in Mandy's bed, i get up and walk into the kitchen. I start making eggs and then Mickey walks out his room.

"your making breakfast now? Gosh, maybe it's a good thing your staying here." Mickey says.

I laugh and then continue to make them, he squeezes past me to get into the fridge and i feel it. I try to keep calm but i just look at Mickey, he knows what he's doing. I drop the spoon and passionately kiss him, then i hear Mandy yawn and i pull away.

I go back to cooking the eggs and she walks out of her room.

"smells good." Mandy says.

I smile as Mickey walks back into his room to get changed. He then comes back out, ready to go out.

"i'm going to kash and grab. Anyone want anything?" Mickey asks.

"Gatorade?" i ask, smiling at him.

He rolls his eyes with a little smile and walks out.


Me and Mandy have had breakfast and i get changed. Then i walk back into the living room to see Mandy on the phone, then she puts it down.

"Mickey got himself thrown in jail." Mandy says.

"what the fuck, how?" I ask.

"he got shot by kash for stealing a snickers bar." Mandy explains.

"holy shit." I mutter.

"when's your shift?" Mandy asks.

"7. I'll be back soon i'm gonna see how Fiona's doing." I reply.

Mandy nods as i walk out, i'm not going to see Fiona. Maybe later, but now i have a bone to pick with Kash.


I storm into Kash and Grab whilst Ian is restocking and Kash is sat behind the counter.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?"  I shout to Kash.

"What are you talking about?" Kash replies.

"what am i talking about? Shooting Mickey. You should be in fucking jail." I shout.

"what's going on?" Ian asks.

"You know what happened." I shout before storming out.

Ian follows after me and grabs my arm and turns me around to look at him.

"are you okay?" Ian asks.

"i just- i'm stressed out." I sigh.

"are you gonna go visit him?" Ian asks.

"i don't know. Why should i?" I reply.

He shrugs, i hug him and then walk away. Should i go visit him?


It's been a week and i've been overthinking about Mickey. I decided to go see him.

I'm currently sat behind the glass waiting for him to come in. He then walks in looking, very clean.
I like it. Shit no, i can't.

He picks up the phone and i can't help but smile at him.

"how long you in here for?" I ask.

"about a year unless i don't stab that fat fucking Mick who keeps trying to steal my Jello." Mickey shouts the guy a few seats down.

"me?" The guy shouts back.

"Yeah, you." Mickey says.

"i-i miss you." I say.

"say that again i'll rip your tongue out of your head." Mickey says, i swear i can see a little smile.

"thanks for putting money on my account, been running low on smokes." Mickey says once we've been in silence for a minute.

"Not me, Kash. I made him do it." I say.

"oh you made him do it, huh?" Mickey says with a smirk on his face.

"fuck you." I say with a little giggle.

I put my hand on the glass and he gives me a weird look.

"take your hand of the fucking glass." Mickey says.

"come on, be a little romantic." I say keeping my hand on the glass.

"no, take it off." He says and i roll my eyes and take it off.

"you fuck anyone yet." Mickey asks.

"fuck no. I might though." I say.

He rolls his eyes and i smile and then the officer comes in.

"Mickey Milkovich, your time is up. Come on." The officer says.

"bye Mick." I say.

It's the first time i've called him that, he gives a little smile and then walks out.

heart at war- Mickey milkovich❤️Where stories live. Discover now