whenever i want.

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I wake up in Mickey's bed, i walk into the bathroom and get in the shower. A few minutes later, Svetlana pulls open the shower curtain and puts a hammer to my chin.

"I have baby soon, i cannot work. He must take care of me and baby. You go. We do not need you. You sleep here tonight in this house? I kill you. I bash your blonde head." Svetlana says angrily.

"mhm." I say.

Then she shouts something angrily in Russian.

"yeah." I say.

Then she looks me up and down and then walks away.


I put on my nice "rich" outfit that Jack bought me. With my white heels and white matching bag. I have straightened hair and makeup on.

I walk down the street to my house. I sigh before walking in. Fiona looks up from the kitchen and her face drops.

"What? No!" She says running over to me.

"come here." I say smiling.

"oh, my god. Is this for real? Are you really back?" She asks.

"For real. For now." I say.

"oh my god, you bitch. I missed you so much." She says and i smile.

"your a piece of shit, you had me so worried." She said pushing me.

"I called and texted a few times." I say.

"Where the hell were you?" She asks.

"New york." I say.

"New york?" She questions.

"Yeah, i wanted to focus on myself and i figured i couldn't do that here." I say.

"Your rich now? What's with the outfit?" She asks.

"i have loads of them. You can borrow some." I say.

"uh, thanks." She says, awkwardly smiling.

"But hey, i met some amazing people. Got all these great ideas. I'm a different person. But we can talk about that later, right?" I say.

"Sure. Do you want a sandwich?" Fiona asks.

"Yeah! Oh, starving!" I say before sitting on the chair and biting into the sandwich.

"it's yours." She says.

"Nice hardware." I say pointing to her shoes.

"Yeah, my winter boots don't fit. All I can get on are fuck-me pumps and tennis shoes." She says.

Then I start uncontrollably laughing and Fiona gives me a weird look but a slightly awkward laugh.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, Yeah. Great, why?" I ask.

"You seem a little caffeinated." She says.

"I quit smoking." I say.

"So, what's next for you?" She asks, resting her arms on the counter.

"I was thinking of like buying my own bar. Seen as i've been working at one for weeks." I say.

"What about high school?" She asks.

"Frank finished high school. It worked out great for him." I say.

heart at war- Mickey milkovich❤️Where stories live. Discover now