like our mom.

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Once again, i have no energy to get up. I've been awake but i don't get up. I'm lay in Mickey's bed, then he walks in, opening the curtains.

"Rise and fucking shine cinderella. I'm heading to Tommy's to get a dog. Mandy said she'd watch the baby meat for while." Mickey says and i turn over covering my face with the blanket.

"Yo, sleepy-face. Get your ass up, time to roll." Mickey says.

Then i just mumble, i feel Mickey climb on the bed.

"what was that mumbles? Come on, get up. I'm buying. Hey, Hey. You okay?" Mickey asks, trying to pull the cover down.

"feeling sick or something?" Mickey asks.

"Leave me alone." I say softly, pulling the cover back up.

"All right, you want me to bring you back something to eat? All right then, go fuck yourself. Sleep all day, see if i care." Mickey says, walking out.

"She okay?" Mandy asks, standing in the doorway with Mickey.

"Who the fuck knows?" Mickey says, then i hear footsteps of him walking away.


I've not gotten out of bed all day, i just lay on my side staring at the wall. Letting tears slowly roll down my face. Then i hear the bedroom door open, guessing it's Mickey.

"Yo, it's after five. Are you trying to set some sort of record?" Mickey asks.

"Your not still sleeping get up." Mickey says throwing a pillow at me.

"Leave me alone." I say quietly.

"Elsie, are you high? You take something?" Mickey asks.

"go away." I whisper.

"Okay, you want me to call the club atleast and tell them-." Mickey says.


"fucks wrong with him?" Mickey says to Mandy in the hallway before shutting the door.


Later on, the door opens again.

"Elsie?" I hear Debbie's voice say.

"Elsie, you alright?" Elsie,'s Debbie." She says.

"Go away." I whisper.

"Elsie." Debbie says

"Do you know what this is?" Mickey asks.

"Yeah, we know what this is." Debbie says.

I just close my eyes and silently cry, then the door closes.


The next morning, Fiona walks in and sits on the bed, behind me.

"You wanna get up? I can make you a sandwich. Or i could get my sneakers in the house. We could go for a run at the track. You wanna go for a run? Get some fresh air? What do you say?" Fiona says rubbing my side.

When i don't answer to every question she eventually gives up.

"Okay. Okay." She says getting off the bed.

Then she walks out and shuts the bedroom door.

Mickey's PoV:

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with her. I'm fucking confused.

Me, Fiona, Mandy and Debbie walk into the living room to talk.

"How long has she been like that?" Fiona asks.

"Since yesterday morning." I reply.

"And she hasn't gotten out of bed?" Fiona asks.

"No, she's just sleeping. I can't get her up. I-I tried." I say.

"Yeah, so did i." Mandy says.

"Well, what about before? What was she like?" Fiona asks.

"Before, she was fine. She was happy. She was staying up all hours of the night, dancing, telling fucking jokes. She kicks my ass everyday, i can't keep up with her." I say.

"We gotta get ahold of Lip, he should know." Fiona says to Debbie.

"Know what? Whats wrong with her?" I ask.

"Uh, depression, I think." Fiona says.

"She..She's depressed? What do you mean shes... We all get fucking depressed. How the fuck could we not, living around here?" I say.

"It's not that kind of depressed, okay? Look, I could be wrong, but it could be bipolar disease, like our mom." Fiona explains.

"Bi...Bi..Bi... What? What the fuck is that?" I ask.

"It's manic depression, Mick." Mandy says putting her hands on my shoulder.

"It's like high highs, followed by low lows, over and over again. We'll get her an appointment at the clinic and we'll see what they say." Fiona says.

"No, No, Look. He..He's low. We cheer him up." I say.

"It's not like that, she may have to be hospitalised." Fiona says.

"What do you mean; hos... Like a physc ward? No fucking way! No fucking way! She's staying here!" I say wiping the tear from my eye.

"She could end up suicidal." Fiona says.

"Then we hide the knives until she perks up. I can.. I can take care of her. Okay, let me take care of her until she's better." I say.

"It..It can be weeks. It's mood swings, okay? It's almost impossible to handle-." Fiona says.

"Don't fucking tell me what's impossible! We're taking care of her, here. You, me, us. She's fucking family!" I shout.

"I have to get to a meeting, okay. I'll call Lip and Ian and see what's going on. Okay, come on." I hear Fiona say to Debbie as i get a beer from the fridge.

"She's not going to some fucking nut house. You hear me? She stays here. She's staying with me." I say, refusing to let the tears from my eyes fall.

heart at war- Mickey milkovich❤️Where stories live. Discover now