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The same night i'm listening to music when i all of a sudden see Debbie stood in my room.

"Elsie." Her little voice says.

I can see that she's crying, i move to the end of my bed and pull her into a hug, then carl comes in and comes to the other side of me. Then i see Ian stood in the hallway. I mouth the words 'i love you' to him before he gives a soft smile and walks away.

Then I let Carl and Debbie spend the night in my bed with me.


The next morning, i wake them both up and go downstairs to make breakfast. I make toast and eggs. Then i give it to them and Fiona walks downstairs.

"hey, you okay?" I ask.

"yeah, you?" She replies.

"to be honest, i don't even know." I say.

Then i sit down at the table with my breakfast.

"i wanna meet your family." Fiona says.

"0h no, you don't." Jimmy-Steve says.

"yes i do." Fiona replies.

"they're miserable people. Nasty, egomaniacal shitheads." Jimmy-Steve says.

"all of them?" Fiona asks.

"yeah, my mom's okay when she's knocked back enough Chardonnay." Jimmy-Steve replies.

"how many of you are there?" I but in.

"Uh, Mom, Dad, shithead superstar, older brother Chip, shithead superstar in training." Jimmy-Steve explains.

"can't wait to meet them." Fiona says.

"you're gonna be disappointed." Jimmy-Steve says.

"i've heard enough of this guys, I'm going out." I say before walking out of the back door.


Later on, we're all dressed up nice at dinner with Jimmy-Steve's family.

"he take you skiing yet?" Jimmy's brother asks Fiona.

"uh, no. My only talent that involves snow is shovelling it off the sidewalk without waking my dad." Fiona says.

"and carl's pretty good at peeing in it too." Ian says and me and Fiona laugh.

"with a name like Chip, you'd think you'd wanna defy the stereotype." I say.

"Elsie, don't. It's fine." Jimmy says.

"no, it's not." I say.

"well sorry to be late. Whipple on a stage-four patient. So, you are the mysterious Fiona." Jimmy's dad says walking in.

I look up to see that Jimmy's dad is Ned, the guy i've been fucking. Holy shit.

"and these are Fiona's brothers Carl and Ian and her sister Elsie." Jimmy's Mom says.

Then he looks at the boys and he stops when he sees me but he plays it off.

"well, nice to meet you Elsie. Have we ordered?" Ned says.

"excuse me. Bathroom." I say before walking into the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror and a few minutes later Ned walks in.

"hey." He says.

"do they know that you fuck your son's girlfriends sister?" I say.

"no, anything that walks i fuck." He says.

I scoff and then walk out of the bathroom, pushing past him.


We just get home and Fiona is putting the left overs away. Jimmy-Steve is in the toilet and Carl's in bed.

"Hey, Fiona. Jimmy's dad Lloyd he uh-." Then i hear Jimmy flushing the toilet.

"goodnight." I say before walking up the stairs.

I walk into my room and look in the mirror. I start crying thinking about how bad of a person i am, seriously my sisters boyfriends dad.

I walk into the boys room to see them all asleep but Ian.

"hey, can i sleep in here?" I ask.

"of course, come on." Ian says.

I get in his bed and silently cry and then i eventually fall asleep.

heart at war- Mickey milkovich❤️Where stories live. Discover now