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Elsie's PoV:

I'm stood up at the window with the metal bars on it, looking out. I then walk around the room whilst everyone is still asleep.

Fiona's PoV:

Lip walks into the physc ward and sits next to me as we wait for Elsie.

"hey." I say.

"Hey. I can't believe we're back here." Lip says.

"i know. It makes me want to throw up." I say.

"yeah. You still married?" Lip asks.

"I think so. I'm not sure, Gus is silent. And you know how good i do with silence." I say.

"Right, Yeah. Silence in our house usually means someone's stopped breathing." Lip says.

"Exactly." I agree.

"Anyway, he's going on tour for a while, so i don't know. Maybe it's a good thing. You figure out tuition?" I ask.

"No. No, I got an idea though." Lip says.

"Is it an idea that could land you in Jail?" I ask.

Then Lip shrugs with a little smirk and i put my arm around his shoulders.

"you're here for Elsie Gallagher?" The woman behind us says.

"yeah." Me and Lip both day, standing up and following the woman.

"I thought Mickey would be here." Lip says.

"Yeah? I didn't." I say.


Mickey's PoV:

I lay in my bed smoking a cigarette, then i put it out and get up. I walk out of my room, i get 5 cans of beer and walk back to my bed.


Fiona's PoV:

"Bipolar One, Acute Mania with Physcotic features. This means-." The lady speaks but Lip cuts her off.

"Uh, we know what it means." Lip says.

"Can we take her home?" I ask.

"I understand that there's a family history and that this diagnosis is difficult to hear, but I do need to go over a fee specifics as regards to Elsie. She's resisting her diagnosis. We had to make med- compliance a requirement for her release." The doctor says.

"All right, so what your saying we need to hold her down and make her take her meds." Lip says.

"Well, I'm saying that it will take his meds two weeks to really start working. Until then, yes, I am suggesting her being carefully supervised. I'm giving you a one week supply of antipsychotics, mood stabilisers and sedatives. She needs to take one pill from each bottle, with food, three times a day. You have a week to get her to a psychiatrist if he's insured and.." The doctor says.

"Or a clinic if she's not, which she's not. We know the drill." I say.

"Don't be surprised if she mostly sleeps until his meds are properly balanced. Elsie should be here shortly. Good luck." The doctor says walking out.

"Fuck." Lip says.

"Yeah." I say.

Then the door opens and we turn our head to see Elsie walking in with a member of staff.

"Hey. Hi baby." I say getting up and hugging her and then i kiss her cheek.

Then Lip walks over and hugs her and she hugs him back.

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