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A week later*

I wake up to my phone ringing. I answer it to hear Debbie's voice.

"hey, i need some advice." Debbie says.

"what is it debs?" I ask.

"holly thinks i should lose my virginity to Matty." Debbie says.

"no way, your too young Debs. I made that mistake." I say.

"yeah sure. Oh yeah, Frank dropped a bomb on us. We have a half sister called Sammi." Debbie says and my face drops.

"what the fuck." I say.

"not surprising but when are you coming home?" Debbie asks.

"i don't know Debs." I say.

Then Jack wakes up, i say bye to her and end the phone.

Mickey's PoV:

I sit in the Alibi room drinking whilst everyone Bickers.

"I like fucking blondie's with the freckles and the tanned skin." I blurt out, drunkly.

"well you might be in luck." Kevin says.

Me, Kevin and Tommy turn our heads to see an older women, blonde, not even pretty.

"why don't you buy her a beverage?" Kevin asks.

"i don't need to." I say.

Then i put my drink down and walk over to her. She smirks holding her joint.

"Hey, do you wanna bang?" I ask.

"Do i look busy?" She asks.

Then i take her into the bathroom and start pounding her. Elsie was always on top so i made her get on top.

"you like it like that." She says riding me.

I just zone out, not even listening to anything she is saying. Just thinking about Elsie.


Elsie's PoV:

Later on in the day i get a message from Fiona. I sit up and check it.

Fiona: Did i tell you about me dating me boss? Anyway i just fucked his brother.

Elsie: Holy shit Fiona.

Fiona: I know, it's horrible. What do i do?

Elsie: Make sure your boss doesn't find out.

I say and then i put my phone down. I then look to my side to see Jack sleeping. Fuck, he's always sleeping. I check the time and see that he needs to go to work.

I lightly shake him and he wakes up. I smile and kiss him.

"you have to get to work." I say.

He groans and stands up walking into the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on as his music turns on.

I keep feeling like i'm forgetting about Mickey but most of the time i'm thinking about him.

Then Jack walks out of the bathroom making me stop thinking about Mickey. I smile at him as he's in his suit. He kisses me before walking out of the apartment.


I walk into the store the next day to get some groceries. I walk down the isle and then see some guy staring at me.

Next thing i know, we're fucking in the bathroom.  Then we get back dressed. Then i realised i just cheated on Jack, i grab the groceries and pay and then technically run to my car.

I put my head in my hands before i drive away. I play my music and shout it. I kind of feel happy and energetic today.

I get home and put the groceries in the kitchen. I run and jump on the bed.

"hey." I say seductively to Jack.

"i'm tired." Jack says.

"we haven't done it since last night." I say.

"we did 8 rounds. Why the fuck are you so energetic?" He asks.

"i'm not. Wanna go our? Do something? Bar? Bowling? Dancing?" I ask, naming a lot of places.

"no, it's getting late. I'm tired. Go to bed Elsie." He says.

I roll my eyes before rolling over to my side and sleeping.

heart at war- Mickey milkovich❤️Where stories live. Discover now