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Next morning~~~

Rehemat, get up, let's go for a walk today, we have to go back early in the afternoon. said Sadiya.

Why we are going back so soon? said Rehemat.

Asim and I have planned a trip,said Sadiya.

Oh wow congratulations.

Rehemat,I misunderstood you too, don't know what you thought, you are not angry with me asked Sadiya.

No no Sadiya, I am not, but if you had asked me earlier, you would not have had this misunderstanding for so long,Come on, don't talk about this now, I'll ask Daniyal once too, who knows if he also wants to go said Rehemat.

Then they going to tell Daniyal about their plans~~~

Daniyal, are you going with us? Sadiya and Asim are going, said by Rehemat.

I don't want to go, I have to rest and I forgot to told you that I have to go on a flight to New Zealand, Papa has called me where he is opening a branch of our company so I will have to go today afternoon,said Daniyal.

What!!! This means you will not go back to Delhi,asked Rehemat.

No no, that's why I need rest said Daniyal.

ok then you rest,said Rehemat.

Then she left~~~

Her POV:
Now I will have to do something soon, Daniyal will leave today.

What thought did Rehemat fall into? Let's tour the whole of Kashmir today. Okay, you get ready, I will go and call Asim, said Sadiya.

Then she left~~~

Other side~~~

Asim goes to Tahir's room to wake him up.

Come on Tahir, today we have to go for a walk, I have told Sadiya that we have go for a lunch.

Rehemat is also going, you tell her the condition of your heart today Tahir.

No No i have thought of something else now said by Tahir.

Keep thinking till then Daniyal will take his fiancee.

Her name is Rehemat, Asim, why do you forget, and I thought how will I tell her my feelings.

Then suddenly Sadiya ~~~

Asim, you are here, I knew I had gone to your room but you were not there, so I came here, you go and get ready.

both of you get ready quickly, I am also going said Sadiya.

It is okay to reach the hotel hall after getting ready,said Sadiya.

Sadiya goes outside, Asim follows her and tell her.

SADIYA Must wear matching jacket.

She's listen and blushing

She comes in her room

After sometimes~~~

Both of them come down and Tahir and Asim were waiting for them..

The condition of both becomes similar after seeing Rehemat and Sadiya.

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