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After that time

Tahir didn't pick up his phone

Rehemat is worried because she doesn't understand what to do now because she has to go to college again and she doesn't know what is Daniyal's surname and who is Dilawar?

Rehemat decided to find out the truth ---

Rehemat's POV :
I am not able to sleep, thinking about what happened today and why Tahir's call is not being received. I have to do something now.

Rehemat called Sadia

Rehemat - Hii Sadia.

Sadia - what happened it's 11 o'clock at night.

Rehemat - It's nothing, said that the phone got connected by mistake.

She said cuz now she knows that Something is going on in Sadia's mind and she does not consider Rehemat as a friend, that is why she is doing this but Rehemat does not know the reason.

Rehemat's POV :
What to do now...
Oh remember, I should called Amna who is Asim's sister, she is also the director's daughter, so I took Amna's help and we can go college tonight and saw what is Daniyal's surname.
I don't know why he is not telling, maybe he won't tell tomorrow also.

She calling Amna------

(Amna - Amna is 2nd year student and 2 years younger than Asim that means she is 19 years old)

Amna - Yes Rehemat why u calling at this time ?

Rehemat - I need your help.

Amna - Yes ! How can I help.

Rehemat - Will you go to college with me now?

Amna - Are you talking while sleeping, go to college tomorrow not now at morning , now you go to sleep and tell me tomorrow morning.

Rehemat - No, I have to go now because I can't sleep. I need to know Daniyal's surname today itself.

Amna - so you ask him yourself.

Rehemat - He is not telling, maybe he won't tell tomorrow also. I think he hides something.

Amna - So how will you go at night, won't you feel scared?

Rehemat - scared ! The fear of marrying the wrong person is much bigger than this, Amna.

Amna - Ok then I am coming with my driver now, you also leave the house.

Rehemat - ok.

Rehemat's POV :
I have already told Amna, but now how will I get out of here if someone wakes up?

I tell Miray that I am leaving at night.

Then she goes to Miray's room to tell Miray everything.

Rehemat opens the door--

Miray was still studying

Miray - What happened, what are you doing here at this time and why are you wearing these shoes, where are you going so late at night.

Rehemat - Are you still studying?

Miray - There is a test tomorrow, so where are you going?

Rehemat - I'm going to find out the truth.

Miray- What ?

Rehemat - You know that Daniyal did not tell his surname and that is person named Dilawar Malik who wants to kill me and he had planned that accident. Tahir told Asim and Asim told me so now I have taken the help of Asim's sister Amna.When I go to college, I have to be careful that no one get to know.

Miray - This is a very serious matter and there are only 4 days in the engagement. What are Daniyal hiding? You can go.

Rehemat - Thank you soo much Miray.

Then Rehemat quickly got out of her scooter and started towards the college.

The lonely road in the dark night was very scary and on the way Rehemat met 3 strange Persons. They were bothering a cat.

Rehemat liked the cat very much so she becomes very angry..

Rehemat stopped the scooter and reached them.

Rehemat - Are you all idiots, how can you trouble an innocent cat?

Stranger person - Do you have any problem...

Stranger person 2nd - Should it bother you?

Rehemat - Look, don't even think of touching me, otherwise I will do things you can't even imagine.

Stranger person 3 - Let us also see how you will do!

Rehemat - So now let me tell you what girl power is and what a single girl can do.

Rehemat took out his belt and hit those people with the belt and punched them and Rehemat defeated the goons.

Amna and Asim reach by their car.

Aman - Rehemat, you are well, you have not reached college and I am worried, so I am looking for you.

Rehemat - Oh I am right, but maybe these goons is not right.

Asim - You have done a very brave thing, now my driver has reached them the police station.

Rehemat - Asim but why did you come, I thought only Amna would come.

Amna - I told everything to my brother and he said that he should also come with me. He also helped Tahir when he also came to find out the college night.

Rehemat - Then after that he went to Dubai.

Now let's go to college...

Then those quietly reach college.

Asim - Give me the keys.

Amna- Yes my brother.

Then those go to the office and open the register.

After seeing everyone's names in the register, the faces of the Them brightened up.


Rehemat shocked*

Rehemat - Here we came to know about Daniyal's surname that Dilawar Malik will also be traced.

Asim - That means Tahir came to know everything when he was in college that Daniyal's father is Dilawar Malik who had tried to cause Rehemat's accident.

Amna - That's why we don't call Tahir now.

Rehemat - His phone is not working I think.

Asim - You both don't understand how this is possible since Tahir is in Dubai and his phone is not ringing.

Rehemat - I hope Tahir is not in any trouble.

Amna - We have to find out first we all go home and talk about college tomorrow and Rehemat you should also stay away from Daniyal now maybe he is also involved in the accident.

Rehemat - Amna, you are right in saying that I am not going to get engaged with Daniyal and I am not going to marry him now because he has cheated me.

Now everyone goes home.

Rehemat has reached home.

Miray- What really happened?

Rehemat - Mir, do you know ? Why Daniyal did not tell his surname because he is Dilawar Malik's son. Tahir found out everything in college and then he had to go to Dubai, since his phone is not reachable.

Miray - Inshallah Tahir will be fine.

In the next chapter we will find out why Tahir is not picking up the phone.

Stay stunned --------

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