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Rehemat woke up very early this morning because today she had to go on a trip to Kashmir.

"I am very happy that we are going to Kashmir today. It will be a lot of fun. , I have already done the shopping."

"Rehemat, why did you wake up so early asked Zahira.

Ammi, I have to go on a trip today,said Rehemat.

That's why you woke up early today otherwise I thought you would have been tired yesterday,said Zahira.

no no i'm not tired at all said Rehemat.

Rehemat went sad thinking about yesterday.

How did that phone guy in the car call him Malik? He is definitely hiding the truth from me, he is really Malik, he has lied to me.
Has he thought me a fool? Now I won't ask him anything. And I don't even want to marry him. Now how can someone lie so much?Now I will bring out his truth.

Adnan came to her room
your packing is done he asked to Rehemat.

yes absolutely Rehemat says.

They are not taking us on a trip.

Yes, they taking last year students only said Rehemat.

never mind, you go Adnan says.

Adnan i need your help Rehemat says.

Yes what kind of? Adnan asked.

I need a new number sim can u give me ur number sim for today only,asked Rehemat.

Okay but what should you do? Adnan asked.

I will find out the truth about Daniyal from him Rehemat says.

How ❓

by calling from this number.

Hey, it's time, let's go to college.

Tahir and Asim already reached.

Remember Asim, you have to tell Sadiya about your heart in Kashmir.
said Tahir to Asim.

Yes... and I also want you to tell Rehemat what's in your heart said Asim.

You are right, but she loves Daniyal, if I tell her what's in my heart, she will not even be friends with me,said Tahir.

It's not like that... I think she also loves you, not Daniyal. said Asim.

I wish,said Tahir.

Then Tahir left~~~

Sadiya has come to college...

Asim go talk to him he said to himself.

Asim went to talk but Sadiya went away from him.

Then Rehemat comes~~~

Today I thought I came early but everyone is already here, it's not fair 😪.
She talking to herself.

who are you talking to asked Daniyal.

Why what happened to yourself, when did you come here?
asked Rehemat.

Right now,said Daniyal.

ok ok you are done packing asked Rehemat.

I have done a little bit and while I am still there, I still have to prepare a project, said Daniyal.

Seriously🙁, you will do office work there, said Rehemat.

So what should I do, I have to work so I will do it, don't come in the way of my work, you understand, said Daniyal.

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